Day 192 - Murasakibara's defense

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The game was on again. Senshi was on the court and the ball was his. Of course, he went for the attack. But Akashi's puppy followed his every step, his speed was impeccable. When Senshi finally got the opening to shoot, the reddish pup jumped, standing up on his hind legs.

Senshi had played against Hissori. He had also played against his human and his yellow-haired friend. So he knew what to do when his opponent was his height or very, very tall.

But what was he to do when his opponent was taller but also shorter than a human, the perfect tall? He couldn't throw the ball over him or between his legs, he couldn't pass and through the side because his opponent could easily get back on all fours. He just couldn't pass him. Senshi tried, he really did.

Akashi knew what Aomine's puppy was thinking. He thought of this himself while training his pup. And when he had played against Murasakibara. It was the same. Yes, Murasakibara was a bit too tall but he was even faster than the reddish puppy. So technically Akashi was using Murasakibara's move now. His defense couldn't be penetrated.

Soon enough the reddish pup scored again, this time without the need to use his newest and loudest move. But Senshi wasn't going to give up so easily. He wanted to win.

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