Day 102 - Distracted

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His teammates noticed he was not much into the training, too. He was the captain and had to plan everything through but lately his mind was somewhere else.

Akashi had his mind busy with something else. The reddish puppy.

He knew he had to be more focused but he just couldn't do it. He didn't know what was going on with him.

Still, Akashi had thought of a few new tactics, passes and moves. So he just made Rakuzan practice them while he went outside to calm down a bit. Was he getting crazy now?

Going to a vending machine for a box of juice Akashi noticed him. The puppy. Did he know where he studied? Did he follow him that far?

The boy ran to the pup, kneeling down and petting him.

"What are you doing here? Is there more trouble at your street?" He asked with a smile but still worried on the inside.

The pup just shook his head as if understanding the question. Maybe he did, dogs were clever.

"Are you hungry?" Akashi asked again. The pup rolled his eyes in his puppy way, as if saying stop worrying.

"Alright, alright." Akashi also rolled his eyes, sitting on the pavement while opening his juice. "You know I'll come by later on. So why are you here?"

The pup just lied down next to Akashi, observing the passing people calmly. Some of said passing people looked weirdly at Akashi. That wasn't his normal behaviour. Then again they had never seen him with animals.

"Bored, huh?" The boy asked. "Come, let's see if you like basketball. You'll become our team's lucky charm if you decide to be my puppy."

Akashi got up, dusting himself off. The pup quietly followed him. The boy knew animals weren't really permitted on the school's premises but he knew everyone was still afraid of him, no one would do anything.

And so, like that the two went back to the gym. Now Akashi played much better, his team mates noticed. And the puppy actually looked interested, following the ball's every move.

Akashi believed more and more that he had to have this puppy.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now