Day 72 - Asking for advice

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Akashi wasn't a person who would ask for help or advice ever. He always did everything alone, that's how he was taught to do things. And that's how he always managed.

But now he felt like he really wanted to ask someone with experience. Besides, he had changed a bit, he wasn't that much of a solo player anymore. He learned to open up more and not command everyone. He was trying.

The things you learned from one match with Kuroko, huh...

So Midorima was very surprised too when he saw Akashi's phone number light up his phone's screen. Two days later the two boys were walking side by side through the streets, Akashi having yet to say what he wanted to say. Or ask.

"What is it, Akashi? You're not one to stall or run away." Midorima asked finally, his voice serious and yet a bit curious. And maybe worried. This whole thing wasn't like Akashi. Either Akashi. At all.

The shorter boy sighed, looking upwards. After a few moments he finally looked to Midorima, speaking his mind.

"I need help. I don't know what to do."

These words shocked Midorima. He had never expected to hear this from the ex Teiko basketball team captain.

"You want help? Never thought the day would come." Midorima smiled a bit, fixing his glasses.

Akashi smiled too, shaking his head.

"I'm just as surprised as you, Shintarou. But relax, it's nothing really serious. It is... About puppies. Well, one puppy."

Midorima nearly missed his step and fell when he heard that, having not expected that either. Puppy? What?!

Akashi quickly continued speaking.

"You have a puppy so you really do have more experience in that area than me. Seeing as everyone from our old team is getting one, I think it's only normal I get one, too. Especially if it kind of found me, not the other way round. I wasn't even planning on this before. But it happened." Akashi shrugged.

"What, you already have a puppy?" Midorima asked.

"Not exactly. But I've seen one that I like and seems it has all the necessary qualities. I just don't know how to persuade it to come with me. It has its own friends, a whole gang."

"What are we talking about? A puppy or a person?" Midorima asked, confused. Was Akashi serious?

The boys actually laughed a bit. "It is a puppy I see while going to school. He's actually a bit older than yours and the others' puppies but still young. Still, he has power and authority." The pink-haired boy ignored the whispered 'like you' from his friend and continued talking. "So I wonder what can I do? I don't want to force him but I still want to train him."

Midorima thought for a bit before answering. "Try to convey that to him. Through your actions. Don't command it. Don't be his master, be his friend. You've been trying this with humans lately, now try it with an animal." The boy said. "You've had a horse before, you should know how to act around animals."

After the meeting with Midorima, Akashi thought about his words. Maybe he had to really try this out. But first, he had to organise everything at his home. His father's permission, where the puppy would stay, toys, bed, food. Training room maybe.

Akashi could manage this. Yeah, he had managed and worse.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now