Day 93 - Plans for the weekend

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In the end Murasakibara agreed to walk home so Akashi could talk to him. And Tatsuya tagged along, curious as to what was going on. Why did Akashi's pup wager on Murasakibara's.

After a few minutes everything was clear. Why Akashi was so careful, how he had found a purple puppy, why both puppies were important. Tatsuya didn't know that the pink-haired boy would be so thoughtful. Or careful. Or nice and gentle. He still kind of saw him as a monster. Especially on the court.

But Akashi proved him wrong. Obviously. He had this side too, the gentle one.

Still, Murasakibara wasn't very happy. For the same reasons as Aomine back when he got his puppy. It seemed like his puppy wasn't good enough, was weaker, broken. Come on, it was literally dyed purple.

No, Murasakibara wasn't happy about that and nearly threw a fit on the street, like a little kid, saying that this was not fair.

Akashi was having none of it though, saying that what the taller boy was saying wasn't true. A puppy was a puppy, with dyed fur or not. And purple puppy looked cool anyway. Besides, from what Akashi had seen it was a good puppy, strong and obedient. It listened to the older pup that Akashi had liked for himself and didn't complain when Akashi had treat him or taken him to the vet. In the boy's eyes it wouldn't give much trouble to the purple-haired.

Finally, after a lot of persuasion from both Akashi and Tatsuya, Murasakibara agreed to visit Akashi this weekend to see the puppy and maybe get their plan into motion.

When walking towards their homes, Akashi kindly thanked Tatsuya for the help. The boy was surprised but still said it was no problem, he could always help again if need be. Everyone knew how stubborn Murasakibara could get. Akashi smiled and thanked again before bidding the boy a good night.

Once the two boys were a significant distance from one another, the black-haired boy finally released a breath and relaxed. Akashi wasn't a bad guy but still got this aura around him. You could not mess with him. One wrong step and you were out.

Anyway, Tatsuya thought back to the conversation from earlier. Murasakibara was to have a puppy soon, huh?

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