Day 171 - Flying

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The match was on. Both teams were on the attack from its first second. That was their tactic, attack.

Still, Yoshi stayed behind, mainly supporting Tetsuya as he was still tired. Murasakibara's puppy was staying in the back too, as he was probably the best of all puppies in defending.

So Akashi's pup didn't have to worry for his basket, Tetsuya couldn't pass the purple puppy so far. Instead, his worry was the attack. Yoshi was defending as he could, but Tetsuya was fast too, returning just in time to cause problems.

This plan was not going to work, he needed his friend on the attack, too. So with a few quiet barks, the reddish pup told the younger one what to do. They needed more attack power.

So after the latest attack from Tetsuya, the reddish pup got the ball, sprinting ahead. Tetsuya ran after him while Yoshi stepped forward to block his path. But that wasn't the plan.

Little Tetsuya wasn't the only one who could copy moves. The reddish puppy had watched Akashi play from in front of the first row after all. And he had watched Tetsuya play yesterday.

While Yoshi was jumping to protect his basket, Tetsuya was still running to overtake Akashi's pup. And just then, as they were running next to each other, the reddish pup bounced the ball in his paw and hit it backwards. The ball flew high. And everyone followed it with their eyes, puppies and humans alike.

And then they saw Murasakibara's puppy flying in the air and hitting the ball with his front paws. Surprisingly, it went in the basket. The first point of the match.

Everyone was silent. These puppies just continued surprising them, didn't they?

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