Day 129 - Liar

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Everyone hated him. His opponents, his coach, even his teammates. That's why he attacked alone. And trained alone. Didn't have any friends at school either. He was alone.

Didn't matter. Izuku played his best that way. He just didn't care about anyone else. Everything that was important were the basket and the ball in his hand.

Besides, his move worked best when his team was not near, otherwise they would be under his spell, too. And that was not very good.

It wasn't that Izuku was a good basketball player. He was just a good liar.

And Seirin was already in his spider web. He was scoring point after point, seeing the frustration on the other team's faces. Only one boy was calm, watching him. Izuku didn't like this.

Kuroko had noticed something by now though. This boy's teammates didn't look like they liked him. Even if he needed to pass or any help, they didn't look like they'd run forward to help. There was no team play in this team.

Another important thing was the other team's defense. This miracle boy didn't participate in his team defense while his teammates didn't participate in attacking. So it was easy for Seirin to score. But for every score they got, the boy scored twice as much.

Seirin continued to fall behind.

And Kuroko still couldn't figure the trick out. Izuku used that, gaining momentum and showing more and more of his power.

Maybe that was his downfall.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now