Day 83 - Studying

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It was that time of the year again. Time for tests. Exams. Or no tournaments. No matches. No basketball.

So the boys had to study hard again.

This time they decided to study together. It would be easier when they had to help Kagami. And of course, they could help each other.

Still, Kagami was the main reason.

Although everyone admitted that his grades were better than before. The boy was trying. And somehow managing. It wasn't as bad as last year.

So everyone yet again got together at Kagami's apartment, soon covering the whole place with their notebooks. For a whole week everyone basically lived there, cramming as much information as they could into their brains.

Soon came the last weekend before the exams actually began. And Kagami had had enough. He had spent so much time without playing basketball, he was dying to throw a few balls at the hoop.

Besides, he didn't think his opponents had their noses in books like he did. He was sure everyone else was training while Seirin's team basically wasted their time. Even little Tetsuya played more basketball than them (in the hallway, sometimes whenever someone had a little break, they went there and played a bit with him).

But Kagami was getting more and more frustrated. This wasn't fair. Why should some measly exams decide whether or not he can play in the tournaments?

And in his frustration, without a single word uttered, the redhead suddenly threw the pencil he was writing with across the room.

Everyone jumped or ran for cover as the flying object hit and broke stuff in its wake, finally returning to the one that had thrown it, hitting Kagami right in the middle of his forehead.

Needless to say, he walked with a red dot for a few days, everyone asking him what happened while his team mates laughed quietly around the corner.

At least he passed his exams. And could finally play basketball again. He wasn't even angry when little Tetsuya started jumping in his feet to annoy him, Kagami had missed even that.

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