Day 177 - Prolong

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Midorima smirked. Kuroko was getting angry. And he was cornered, about to lose the match.

But then again didn't Kuroko think the best when he was cornered?

Said boy was watching carefully the two puppies. He noticed that Yoshi was beginning to show signs of tiring. He hadn't recovered after all. So he could use it, too.

He didn't have much time though. And five points was a big difference in the puppies' matches. But he still had to try.

Telling Riko he wanted another timeout, the game was quickly stopped. Midorima, of course, knew why.

This match seemed like a fight between the humans more than a fight between the puppies. Tactics were more important than the newest moves now. It was Midorima versus Kuroko.

The green-haired knew that his ex teammate noticed Yoshi's panting, probably everyone did by now. He was tired, needed more time to rest properly. So now came the next step of his plan - prolong as much as you can.

Basically Yoshi had to keep the ball for as long as he could without really wasting his energy, just guard it from Tetsuya. That way the latter puppy couldn't get the ball and shoot. But, in order for Yoshi to not get too tired, he could 'give' the ball to Tetsuya after some time or in certain conditions. This could happen only four times though, so as to keep one point lead in the end.

Yoshi was going on the defensive, no more attacking for him. And the points Tetsuya was about to score were only because Yoshi was about to let him.

Could Kuroko predict and stop that?

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