Day 142 - In a pinch

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Aomine was out again. He hadn't gone to any of the tournament matches since he lost against Akashi. He hadn't been at school either. When Momoi called him, he didn't pick up.

It was different from when he lost against Seirin. He didn't shut down like that before.

Senshi wasn't at Aomine's home either so the pink-haired girl supposed the animal was with his human. Probably training his basketball skills. It seemed like Aomine to still play basketball, even if he was angry because of it now.

Momoi didn't know what to do though. Search for Aomine, try to speak with him or just leave him for now. Probably the latter option was best. That way Aomine and Senshi could train more for the puppy tournament. Maybe they were going to try and win there.

Meanwhile Seirin was passing through their matches with flying colours. Rakuzan was doing the same but without showing the trick they had used against Touou. That was their secret weapon after all.

And so Seirin was in a pinch, too. They had no idea how to counter Rakuzan. How to counter Chihiro. The last person they expected something like that from. Another shadow like Kuroko. He didn't seem so shadow-y now though. That was confusing.

Everything was confusing. But the one expected thing happened. The final match in this year's Winter Cup was Seirin versus Rakuzan again.

And everyone knew that Rakuzan was going to be even more prepared this time around. They wanted back their title.

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