Day 123 - Even more unbeatable

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Kise too relayed on his team mates, passing the ball around, receiving passes, trying alley-oops. Nothing seemed to work. Either someone from Rakuzan was there, stopping the ball, or Akashi himself stole it and attacked. He seemed to be everywhere.

Was that his power? His skill to pull everyone in a Zone-like place? Because it sure seemed to work. Kise had no options left. And his own time in the Zone was nearly over. He had nothing left to try. And he had tried everything. Even Kagami's Meteor Jam and Kuroko's disappearing passes and shot. Nothing worked.

In truth Akashi knew that and year ago this match wouldn't have been so easy as it was now. He had trained a lot, his teammates had trained too. Kise was really a formidable opponent, a very strong one, a clever one, knowing when to do what, to use which move. But Akashi had trained his Eye and power very good. No one could outwit him now.

And Kise still wasn't giving up. No, the boy tried to fight back. That brought even bigger respect for him. But Akashi and Rakuzan had to win. They had to get the first place back from Seirin after all. So Akashi gave the signal. The playing was over. It was time to win for sure.

Suddenly Rakuzan switched gears. They were unrecognisable from mere seconds ago. Everyone was moving faster, shooting more precisely, passing better. Kaijo, as good as the players were, was failing further and further behind.

In the end the result was obvious. Rakuzan won. By far.

But no one was disappointed, the match was good. Very good indeed. Kise and Kaijo gave everything they got and more. But Akashi was even more unbeatable than before. If that was possible.

Everyone knew that the matches ahead weren't going to be as easy as last year's.

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