Day 178 - Sixth

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Kuroko figured Midorima's plan pretty quickly. But it was too late, he couldn't take anymore timeouts. And Midorima surely wasn't about to give him one.

Yoshi was pretty good at what he was doing, Midorima had trained him perfectly. Or more like Takao. He had taught the puppy most of his movements, Midorima mainly planned things. But it worked, this way Yoshi had two people training him so that meant more training and two standards, two types of moves. In the end Yoshi learnt well and now was beating Tetsuya in the game.

Midorima had to buy a meal for Takao in his favourite restaurant. But he wouldn't complain, the boy deserved it.

On the court, Yoshi spun around, keeping the ball away from a frustrated Tetsuya. Kuroko could see his normally kind and gentle pup was about to commit a foul with these movements. But he couldn't stop him. Could not help him.

It turned out he wasn't that good at planning tactics for puppy basketball. A few seconds later he also saw that he was basically playing by Midorima's and Yoshi's rules as the pup basically gave the ball to Tetsuya to score.

He was giving him points so as not to tire himself out too much.

Kuroko was angry but also in awe of the clever plan. He watched Yoshi give two more points to Tetsuya before the time was over.

And so Midorima's pup won with two points lead, getting the fifth position in the overall ranking. While little Tetsuya was sixth, last.

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