Day 179 - Angry or happy

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"This was an awful tactic."

"It worked though, didn't it?"

"Still, it's infuriating for your opponent."

Kuroko and Midorima talked over their match while their audience too commented on it. The puppies were all silent though. Only Tetsuya and Yoshi talked.

"You didn't play fair." Tetsuya barked angrily.

"My human said it's alright, didn't break any rules." Yoshi defended, a bit scared from his angry friend.

"And you gave me these points!" Kuroko was angry about this, too, complaining to his friend.

"Aren't you happy? You have more points, the difference is not that big." Yoshi asked confused.

"Of course I'm not happy. Those are basically your points!" Tetsuya growled, getting in a position ready to fight. The other four puppies got up from laying in the shadow of the bench, ready to interfere if a fight actually broke out.

But before anyone could say or do anything else, two human hands came down and lifted Tetsuya up. A hand was on Yoshi's back too, petting him gently.

Midorima and Kuroko had noticed their puppies were in the same position as the two of them, fighting. But unlike the humans, the little animals were on the verge of actually fighting.

Soon enough the court emptied from both puppies and humans. There were other important matches everyone had to get ready for.

Kuroko and his puppy too had left the court to get home.

"You shouldn't fight. A loss is a loss." The boy said to his puppy while caring him home. "You shouldn't get angry, or if you are you shouldn't show it like that. You show it next time you're on the court against this opponent."

The puppy listened quietly, nodding. He knew though, his human was still a bit angry. And sad.

Tetsuya didn't manage to make him happy. Maybe some of his human's anger was because of him, too.

But no, Kuroko wasn't that angry any more. In the end it was a good match, both puppies had given everything they had, especially Tetsuya since he was on the attack till the last minute. So Kuroko was quite happy with his pup.

Maybe little Tetsuya deserved a few days break. And a new toy to chew on.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now