Chapter 3. Evander King

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Evander's P.O.V

My father barged into my room as soon as I arrived home. He knew I didn't like people disturbing my peace. I took off my shoes, then asked my father, "Can I help you with something, dad?" My father leaned against my dresser and replied, "Cristopher denied our request to use his port. We will suffer a loss if we don't unload the materials soon. Your mother needs them to create her new line of bags." I chuckled and said, "I saw the guy today. Isn't it ironic? Christopher and I never talked to each other despite belonging in the same corporate world."

My father huffed and stated, "It's better that way. I don't want people to accuse you of exploiting him for your gain. We already have a bad reputation. What are we going to do about the shipment? Your mother already took orders." I loosened my tie, then replied, "Don't worry, dad. I'll take care of the problem. The Balcon company owes me a favor. They will happily guide the ship to their port. It will take longer to unload the materials, but it will be okay."

I contemplated the situation after my father left. I had once helped the Balcon company when they were short on workers. People thought that I was behind their growth. They were wrong. I was never interested in shipping companies. I would love to know who was behind it, though. The Eckhart empire owned the biggest shipping company. They were probably looking into the matter.

I had heard a lot of things about Christopher Eckhart. The man walked around with more bodyguards than I did. And why wouldn't he? The Eckhart empire would crumble if he ever died. Christopher's father stepped down when he was appointed. I would love to know how he managed to keep the companies afloat by himself. I owned an airline, a bus company, and several entertainment businesses. The port we regularly used was undergoing renovation. We would have otherwise never approached Christopher Eckhart.

I decided to shower before contacting the Balcon company. I groaned when I saw myself in the mirror. The waiter I had slept with that evening had left a hickey on my neck. I hated the people who tried to claim me as theirs. I slept with people to calm myself. I wasn't looking for love. I would ask my stylist to conceal the hickey in the morning. The director of the Balcon company was happy to help. I checked my emails, then went to bed. My parents were having breakfast by the time I got ready for work.

My mother was busy complaining to my father. She heard people gossiping about her when she went grocery shopping. I was well aware of the hatred towards us. My parents had worked hard to achieve what we had today. We were one of the five wealthiest families in the world. We didn't need people's recognition.

I left for work after spending some time with my parents. My assistant Syl was waiting for me in my office. I smirked when my assistant Syl said, "We caught Frits, sir. He was hiding in an abandoned school building." Frits had tried to drug me during a party. He planned to blackmail me with my nude photos. The boy had forgotten that I was stronger than other alphas. I smiled at Syl, then stated, "Well, what are we waiting for, Syl? Let's go see him now." The driver took us to the abandoned building. I had hired a group of men to do my dirty work. The boss of the group was named Josh. Josh was happy to see me.

He led me to Frits and said, "Everything is ready, sir. He is still conscious." I nodded, then replied, "Good. Make sure no one disturbs me." Josh ordered his men to leave. I walked into the room and gazed at Frits. The man moved further away from me when I started releasing my pheromones. I chuckled, then declared, "I'm not going to eat you, Frits. You are not that appealing to me anymore." Frits cried out, "I already apologized to you, sir. Please let me go!"

I kicked Frits and stated, "Why should I forgive you? You tried to ruin my reputation." Frits looked in shock at me. I laughed and said, "Sorry, I actually don't care about my reputation. I'm furious because you tried to steal from me. And what kind of alpha would I be if I let people walk all over me?" I winced when the omega's pheromones hit my nose. I grabbed Frits's collar, then asked, "Do you think I'll fall for you? You are cute. I'll give you that, but I'm not that desperate." Frits screamed when I punched him. I took my anger out on Frits. He probably wished he had never crossed my path. The man fell unconscious before I could land the final blow.

I fixed my clothes, then cleaned my hands. Frits was lying like a sack of potatoes in front of me. I didn't care if you were an omega, beta, or alpha. If you did the crime, then you should expect a punishment. I asked Josh to dump Frits in an alley. I had a busy day, so I went home late. My parents were waiting for me in the living room. My father handed me an invitation card and said, "This card arrived today. It's time for the annual charity ball. It's this Saturday. Don't get caught up in work and forget about it."

I examined the card, then handed it to my mother. I sighed and stated, "I'll attend the party with you guys. Don't worry. I'll be in Maxim's room if you need me. See you guys in the morning." It was soon Friday. The party was in full swing when we arrived. The host led us to our table, then handed us a program template. I frowned when I read that there would be a big reveal later. I gazed at the stage, then asked my father, "What kind of reveal are they talking about, dad?" My father sighed and stated, "The organizer told us at the last meeting that they were developing software that will automatically match an alpha with an omega. The country's population is declining. People don't want to get hitched anymore. The government is doing what it can to solve the matter."

I scowled, then asked, "Are you telling me they are forcing people to mate?" My mother grabbed my hand and said, "They will impose a fine on whoever doesn't agree, son." My father patted my back and stated, "I didn't give them your information, so relax." I sighed in relief, then ate my meal. People avoided us as always. I met one of my sex partners by the bar.

The woman looked alluring. I asked her to join me to kill time. My father shook his head when Daniela kissed me. The screen on the stage lit up suddenly. A man began giving a speech on how the software worked. Daniela rubbed my member to distract me. I grabbed her hand and uttered, "Not now, darling. I will give you what you want after the party is over."

The room went quiet when the man ran a test. Pictures of people and their information started flashing on the screen. I kept on going for a while, so I got bored. I grabbed my phone to book a hotel room. I got startled when Daniela gasped. All the blood drained from my face when I saw my picture next to nonother than Christopher's. How could the system match two alphas together? The organizer ran the test once again. It produced the same result. I glared at my mother and asked, "Why did you send them my information, mom?"

My mother smiled sheepishly and said, "I'm sorry, Van. You need an alpha child to continue your legacy, my son." I hadn't seen Christopher the whole night. Someone suddenly let a glass fall. The sound came from the bar. Everyone turned to see who the culprit was. Christopher was busy apologizing to the servers. He grabbed a napkin and said, "I'm sorry. It suddenly slipped out of my hand."

People started muttering and asking the software developer questions. The man calmed everyone down by saying he had used the civil registry to match people. My father began laughing like a maniac. I knew why he was happy. He could finally execute his plan. He always wanted to take revenge on wealthy families. My father could do what he wanted because I wasn't interested in getting married. All eyes were on Christopher.

People were asking themselves if he was an omega. Christopher ignored the taunts. He walked straight to his younger brother. He grabbed his brother's arm and dragged him out of the room. I needed to talk to Christopher, so I followed them. The man was gorgeous, but he wasn't the one for me. 

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