Chapter 33. New beginning

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Hi guys. I'm finally feeling better. I hope to wrap up this story soon.

Please read "Chapter 30" before reading this installment. 

I asked my driver to take me to my office. I didn't want to leave the house, but my mind was a mess. I tended to do or say something stupid when I got angry. Evander didn't deserve my wrath. It was better to be safe than sorry. I also needed to handle some urgent paperwork. I knew my parents well. They wouldn't take things lying down. Duncan was about to leave when I arrived. He put his bag down and asked, "Can I help you with something, sir?"  

I sat down and answered, "I'm sorry, Duncan. Cancel your plans for tonight. We will be moving back to the Empire on Monday. I gave my so-called parents a week to vacate the premises. Get the paperwork for the takeover in order. It's time to show Petra and Leonard what it feels like to be trampled on." Duncan smiled and replied, "As you wish, sir." I got busy with work and forgot to check the time. It was midnight before I knew it. I was startled when my phone rang. I didn't want to anger Evander, so I picked it up. I could hear Achilles's cry in the background.

Evander sighed and said, "I didn't want to disturb you, Chris, but Achilles won't stop crying. I don't know why he's being so fussy. Can you come home for a bit?" I would do anything for my children. We had, fortunately, already handled the necessary paperwork. I motioned Duncan to leave, then replied, "I'll be there soon." I was about to turn off my laptop when I heard my great-grandfather Stefanus say, "Do you have time to talk, Chris?"

I gazed at my watch and stated, "Not now, great-grandfather. I need to get home. My child needs me." My great-grandfather Antonius chuckled, then uttered, "The baby is already asleep. Look for yourself." An image flashed through my mind. I couldn't help but smile when I saw Evander sleeping with Achilles on the sofa. Antonius stroked my head and said, "We know you had a rough day, but we can't wait any longer. We received the order to leave the human world."

I bowed my head, then uttered, "Thank you for keeping the Empire afloat, guys." Stefanus pulled me into his arms. He kissed my cheek and replied, "Anything for you, my child." I froze instantly. Antonius touched his mate's shoulder and said, "Don't smother the child, love. He might hate us when he hears the truth." I gazed at Antonius and asked, "What are you talking about, great-grandfather?" Stefanus sighed and uttered, "Sit down, my child. It's a long story. It's better if we show you what happened." Fear crept into my heart suddenly.

I lost the ability to move when images about my birth and life started popping up. I lost my mind when I saw why Antonius and Stefanus had given me up. Stefanus gasped when the furniture started shaking. My body was on fire. I had a sudden urge to kill. The disappointment and pain was unbearable. I growled and yelled, "Do you people know what I had to endure in that household? I cried myself to sleep every day! Some biological parents, you guys are."

Antonius tried to subdue me. He yelled, "Calm down, Christopher!" when a chair hit him. Stefanus hugged me and said, "I'm glad you inherited our powers, but this is not the time to apply them. I'm sorry for the things we did, my child. We had no other choice. We love you with every fiber of our being." The dragon in me was furious. He felt unwanted and desired to destroy everything in sight, even himself.

I wanted to fight for my life but didn't have the energy to do so. I was about to give up when I heard Maxim giggle. It was like he was challenging me to laugh and to enjoy life. The little boy was abandoned at birth as well. Maxim's backstory made me realize I had people around me who loved me sincerely. I suddenly wanted to see Evander and the kids. Stefanus hugged me tightly when I started crying. The dragon in me finally calmed down. Antonius kissed my head and stated, "Don't cry, my child. We can't change the past, no matter how hard we try. Your father and I will make sure that nothing happens to you or your family in the future." I rubbed my face in frustration. I sighed and uttered, "But you guys are leaving soon."

Stefanus kissed my temple and replied, "We will always be around, my child. Live your life to the fullest. You will know what your dragon blood entails when the time comes." Antonius nodded, then stated, "We are proud of you, my child. You have achieved so much on your own. Don't forget how much we love you, alright." I could feel how much my biological parents adored me. It was no use to protest. I couldn't change things anyway. I had now better things to look forward to. Antonius and Stefanus embraced me. We sat on the floor like that for a while. Stefanus kept crying. He kissed my forehead and said, "We don't want to leave you, son, but duty calls. Go to your husband and children. We will take care of things here." I got up, bid my biological parents farewell, then left.

It was two a.m. The driver was fast asleep behind the wheel. He was startled when I knocked on the window. The man quickly opened the door and said, "Why didn't you ask one of the guards to assist you, sir? Someone should have woken me up before you arrived." I gazed at the sky and replied, "I didn't want to disturb anyone. Take me home, Roger." I dozed off during the ride. Achilles was already in his crib when I arrived. I checked on Maxim and him, then went to the bedroom. Evander was wide awake. He gazed at me but didn't say anything. I knelt by the bed and asked, "Why didn't you tell me who my biological parents were, Van?"

Evander stroked my cheek and answered, "Because it wasn't my place to do so. Do you hate me now, darling?" I grabbed Van's hand and replied, "How could I hate you? You are the father of my children and my mate." I sighed, then added, "My life is such a mess." Evander pulled me onto the bed and stated, "Hey, nothing's wrong with that. I'll help you manage it, don't worry." I put my head on Evander's chest and uttered, "I'm sorry for not telling you about the empire and acting like a child." Van chuckled and replied, "I was angry at first. I then realized you probably had your reasons to keep it from me. By the way, I'm happy that those people aren't your parents." I yawned and said, "Me too." Evander kissed my head and declared, "I love you with all my heart, Christopher."

I fell asleep on Van's chest. The bed was empty when I woke up in the morning. I couldn't believe that it was already ten a.m. I jumped out of bed and took a shower. Maxim was playing with Achilles in the living when I came downstairs. Evander kissed my cheek and said, "Take things slow today. I'm sure you have a lot on your mind." I greeted my in-laws and the kids, then went to have breakfast. Evander was right. I needed to figure out some things. My enterprise had grown. It would be hard for me to manage everything by myself. I was lost in my thoughts and didn't realize that Maxim was staring at me. Maxim climbed onto a chair and stated, "Daddy couldn't find Kayden and his family, Papa. I wanted to invite him to my birthday party. It won't be fun without him." 

I stroked Maxim's head and said, "Maybe they don't want to be found, sweetheart. I'm sure he's thinking about you wherever he is." Maxim gasped and asked, "Really, Papa? I will never forget Kayden, no matter how old I get." I chuckled when I saw Evander's reaction. It seemed like he disliked Kayden. Maxim left when his grandmother called out to him. Van grabbed a glass of water and joined me. I laced my fingers through Van's and asked, "Is it true that you can't find Kayden and his family?"

Van shook his head, then replied, "No. Kayden's family moved to Germany. Syl contacted Kayden's father. He refused to fly back to the States with the boy. I even offered to pick them up in my jet. I didn't want to hurt Maxim, so I lied to him." I kissed Evander intensely and stated, "You are a great father, but you should not have lied to him. What if he hates you because of this later?" Van's eyes widened in shock. I laughed when he ran out of the kitchen to look for Maxim.

My mother-in-law approached me with a gift bag. She smiled and said, "This is for you, Chris. You will start working soon, so your father-in-law and I wanted to surprise you with a gift. We hope you will like it." I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the box full of expensive watches. I hugged my mother-in-law and asked, "How did you guys know I liked watches?" Lenna patted my back and replied, "You and Van have the same taste in that department. You both change watches and cufflinks every day. So it was easy for us to find a gift for you." I thanked Julius for the gift, then went to look for Evander. My mate was playing with the kids in the garden. Achilles squealed every time Evander kissed his cheeks.

I joined my family. Evander placed his head on my lap and said, "I'm sleepy, Chris.'' He closed his eyes to relax. Achilles was napping, and Maxim was busy drawing a giraffe. My mind was finally at ease. I gazed at my children and asked Evander, "Would you like to run the new empire with me, Evander? I would appreciate the help." Evander quickly opened his eyes and uttered, "What?" I kissed Evander softly and replied, "Yeah. You heard me correctly." Evander stroked Maxim's head and replied, "If it means both of us getting home on time, then yes." I kissed Evander and said, "Good because you'll welcome Petra and Leonard on Monday." Van Chuckled and uttered, "You are evil."

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