Chapter 4. Frustrations

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Evander's P.O.V

Christopher dragged his brother to a ballroom. I halted my steps when Christopher pushed Ceasar against a table. The brothers were in a too heated discussion to notice me. I leaned against the door, then gazed at the men. I smirked when Christopher yelled, "Do you know what you have done? If you wanted me gone, then you should have said so. You have put everyone in danger by revealing my secret." Ceasar growled, then stated, "Shut up! Who cares if you can carry a child or not? I just wanted you out of my hair. I'm sick and tired of your meddling in my life."

I hid when Christopher gazed at the door. The Eckhart family's heirs were having trouble maintaining their relationship. I wondered why Ceasar hated his brother. Because to me, it seemed like Christopher was protecting his brother. I frowned when an omega ran past me. The little creature didn't even notice me. The omega pushed Christopher back and stated, "Why do you always blame Ceasar for everything, Chris? He is innocent." Christopher shook his head, then replied, "I feel sorry for you, Keanu. Do you think I like waking up in the middle of the night to get you guys out of the mess you have created? I would have left you guys to die ages ago if my family wasn't so obsessed with Ceasar."

"Ceasar failed to realize what he has done. Every alpha in this city will now fight to become my mate. I have inherited my great-grandfather's genes. He carried royal blood and could birth overwhelmingly dominant alphas. Imagine what will happen to my family's fortunes if I get high on pheromones one night and spill all our family secrets." Keanu gazed at Ceasar and asked, "Did you send Chris's detailed information to the organization to hurt him, Ceasar?" Ceasar put his head down and stated, "I just wanted him to leave us alone, babe." Keanu clutched his hair, then yelled, "Can't you see that everything Chris has done up till now was for our benefit?"

The little omega ran out of the room in anger. Ceasar Eckhart had no other choice than to follow him. I wondered if Ceasar and Keanu were fated, mates. It was a rare occurrence these days. Christopher took a deep breath, then fixed his suit jacket. I chuckled when he said, "Good luck getting laid, asshole. Now, how to fix this problem?" I stepped out of the darkness and gazed at Christopher. The man got startled when he noticed me. I frowned when I saw the hatred in Christopher's eyes. "What did I ever do to him?" I asked myself. Christopher composed himself, then asked, "Can I help you with something, Mr. King? If you want to talk about our pairing, then don't bother. I will never marry you."

I laughed, then asked, "Why? Don't I deserve your attention?" Christopher winced and replied, "I have seen you fooling around with multiple people. I would rather have someone devoted to me than someone who can't stop sharing his dick with the world." I gasped and stated, "Dear lord. I thought you were graceful as a peacock, but you surprised me. You have a dirty mouth, Mr. Eckhart." I grabbed Christopher's arm when he tried to leave. Christopher gazed at my hand, then glared at me. I pulled Christopher closer, then uttered while fixing his bow tie, "You can't walk out of the room with a crooked bow tie, sir. It will ruin your reputation. Oh, sorry. That already happened. And don't worry. I have no desire to marry you either."

I could feel the heat coming from Christopher's body. He was furious but didn't dare to show it. Christopher pushed me away when I whispered in his air, "I would have loved to screw you, though. You would surely get addicted to my filthy dick." Christopher patted my cheek and said, "How petty of you, sir. Do you always hurt the people who point out your mistakes? You can do whatever you want with the information you gained today. I'm too exhausted to retaliate." I glared at Christopher as he walked out of the ballroom. My father was waiting to find out what Christopher and I had discussed. He was disappointed when he heard that we weren't interested in getting married.

I groaned when I saw Daniela. I wasn't in the mood to please her, so I sent her away. People were still talking about Christopher and me. My mother put her hand on my shoulder and said, "They ran the test five times, Evander. They tried different methods. It has the same results, no matter what they try." I sighed, then uttered, "Whatever, mom. I'm going home now. I have a busy day tomorrow." My mother put her head down, then stated, "I'm sorry for ruining your night, son. Christopher will regret rejecting you." I kissed my mother's cheek, then left the scene.

I took a shower when I got home, then checked my social media. The news about our pairing was trending. I had planned to inspect some filming locations, so I woke up early the next day. I was surprised when I saw my parents. They didn't need to wake up early to greet me. My father handed me an envelope and declared, "The organizer gave us this after you left, Van." I finished my coffee, then opened the envelope. I slammed my fist on the table and yelled, "They can't force us to pay them ten million dollars for breaching our agreement, dad. Didn't I tell you to read the documents carefully before signing them? Do you know how much the other party has to pay?"

My father nodded and replied, "Yes. Christopher's grandfather tried to attack one of the organizers. He kept yelling that the software was faulty. They got to pay double now." I shook my head and uttered, "And they dare to call us hooligans." I was ready to fight the organization. They had no right to force us to compensate them. I made an appointment with the director, then went to work. I was exhausted by the end of the day. I had planned to spend the night with Maximus. My plans changed when I saw a limousine in our driveway.

My parents were chatting with Leonard and Petra Eckhart when I walked into the house. I knew what they were discussing. I was ready to reject their offer. I smirked when I saw Christopher in the garden. He was on the phone with someone. Christopher greeted me after finishing his conversation. He sat next to his mother, then stared at his shoes. Christopher inherited his good looks from his mother. Petra used to be a world-renowned model. She gave up her career after the birth of her second child.

The guy was pleasing to the eye but too uptight. My father asked me to join them. I took a seat and asked, "To what do we owe the pleasure? I thought the mighty Eckhart family would never set foot in this rogue's house." Leonard chuckled and stated, "Let bygones be bygones, Evander. We have a proposition for you. We would be grateful if you married our son." I gazed at Christopher and asked, "And what's in it for me? I'm not a good person. I don't like doing things for free." Petra grabbed Christopher's hand and replied, "We will pay you the twenty million dollars intended for the organization. You see, it's not about the money for us. It's about our reputation and safety. You guys have to stay married until the rumors die down."

Christopher kept staring at his mother's hand. I could see that he hated the idea. I asked myself why he went along with his parent's stupidity. Who knew how long it would take people to change their gossip topic? I frowned when Christopher said, "Don't worry. You won't have to wait for long to divorce me. There will be a power shift in the business world soon. It will keep people busy for a while." My father gazed at me and asked, "Did you know about this, Van?" I sighed and replied, "Yes, dad. It doesn't concern us." Leonard looked at his watch and asked, "So, what is your reply, Evander?" I contemplated, then stated, "I need time to think about it." My father grabbed my arm and said, "Let's talk privately, Van."

I followed my parents to my study. My mother stroked my back and said, "Don't be quick to reject this offer, Van. It will give you a chance to experience marriage." I chuckled, then declared, "Have you forgotten I tried it before, mom? It doesn't work for me. And it's not like Christopher will be waiting for me at home with home-cooked meals either." My father scratched his head in frustration and stated, "Think about what we will gain by getting affiliated with the Eckhart family, son. We can't let an offer like this slip through our fingers. And forget about your ex-husband. He was only after your money. I don't know why you are still in contact with him. Instead of losing, you will be gaining something here."

My father was right. I could achieve so much by marrying Christopher, but I couldn't stand the guy. My mother grabbed my hand and said, "We will be gaining twenty million dollars and countless benefits, son." I groaned, then said, "You people are too greedy. I hope this doesn't backfire on us." I walked to the living room with my parents and declared, "I accept your offer." Petra clapped her hands and stated, "That's great. We will get the contract ready and organize the wedding. It will be a small ceremony with only you guys as guests. I hope you won't mind if we hold the ceremony next weekend." Christopher looked at his mother but didn't protest. I sighed while thinking, "I better buckle up. It's going to be a bumpy ride."

Hi guys, thank you for reading. Stay safe, and see you next Friday.

The notorious alpha's contract marriage (MXM, AxA, Mpreg) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now