Chapter 10. Evander's true intentions Part 1

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Maxim King three years old

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Maxim King three years old.

Evander's P.O.V

I had initially planned to leave Chris alone. Maxim grieved when the man left. My mother had accidentally told the boy that Chris was my life partner. He now wanted Chris as his father, no matter what the man thought of him. I was glad that I had talked to Christopher. Joining forces would be beneficial to us both. I could see how happy Maxim was to see Chris. The boy longed to have a complete family. I hadn't told Chris about how the little boy was underfed when Luca asked us to adopt him. It took us a lot of sleepless nights to get Maxim healthy. I didn't want Chris to take pity on my son. He should love him for who he was.

My mother had prepared a lavish meal for us. She forced us to finish the dishes. My father got tired of eating after a while. He sighed and asked, "What's the occasion, honey?" My mother laughed, then replied, "I'm sorry, darling. You see, Jenna called this afternoon. They are expecting the baby in the morning. I'm planning to visit the hospital to welcome the baby. I hope it's a girl." We all got distracted when Maxim uttered, "Do you want a piece of my chicken, papa?" The little boy's mouth and hands were dirty. No one would dare to eat the meat. Chris smiled at Maxim, then stated, "Are you trying to get rid of your food because you're full, Maxim?"

Maxim smiled sheepishly and said, "Daddy said that there are people who don't have food to eat in the world, so I shouldn't waste mine." Chris hummed, then declared, "Your dad is right, Maxim. But it seems like your tummy is about to burst. I'll help you this time. Finish all your food next time, okay?" Maxim squealed when Chris ate the chicken. Christopher hadn't realized that everyone was looking at him. He stroked Maxim's head, then went back to eating. I couldn't help but stare at Chris. The guy looked at me questioningly and asked, "Is something wrong?" I shook my head and replied, "No, everything is fine." Chris was an enigma. Unfortunately, the title of a friend was the only thing I could give him.

We went to bed early that night. Breakfast was already on the table when I went downstairs. A maid was busy changing the flowers in the vases. She got startled when I uttered, "Where is my mother?" The girl quickly composed herself and replied, "The misses left for the hospital in the middle of the night, sir. The baby came earlier than expected." I gazed at the dining table and asked, "Then who made breakfast?" The girl smiled and said, "It was Mr. Eckhart, sir. He was awake when your mother was leaving. He offered to help, and your mother accepted it." My father carried Maxim down the stairs. The little boy was half asleep. I greeted my father and took Maxim out of his arms. The little boy immediately stuck his nose in the crook of my neck.

My father yawned and asked, "Is breakfast ready, son? I have to leave in a minute. I need to deliver some things to your mother at the hospital." I nodded at my father. My eyes suddenly fell on Chris. He was on the phone with someone. I asked myself why he always looked so good. I closed my eyes to enjoy Christopher's scent when he walked past me. Maxim grabbed Chris's sleeve, then stated, "Good morning, papa." Chris uttered, "I'll talk to you soon, Duncan," through the phone, then cut off the line. Chris kissed Maxim's cheek, then said, "Good morning, darling." Maxim grabbed Chris's hand and giggled. I let Chris hold Maxim. My father was enjoying a biscuit. He closed his eyes and said, "You have got to taste this, Van. It melts in your mouth. Where did you learn to cook like this, Chris?" Christopher chuckled, then replied, "My mother has been training me to be a perfect partner to some lousy dominant alpha since I was young. Knitting, sewing, you name it. I can do it all."

Maxim had been listening intently to Chris. He climbed onto Chris's lap and asked, "Can you knit me a winter beanie hat, papa? It should be in rainbow colors. The ones I have are all so plain." I glared at Maxim and said, "Don't be so demanding, Maxim. Chris has work to do." Christopher put his hand on my chest to stop me from reprimanding Maxim and said, "It's okay. I'll do it when I have the time. Maxim won't mind waiting, right?" Maxim grinned and replied, "No, take as much time as you need." My father left after eating. The babysitter brought Maxim upstairs to bathe him. Christopher and I were the only ones left at the table. I sighed and said, "You don't have to tire yourself out for this family, Chris. We accept you as you are." Christopher got up and stated before walking away, "For the first time in years, I feel like I can breathe freely, Van. Let me enjoy my freedom while I can."

I enjoyed the food to my heart's content, then left for work. I reviewed proposals the whole morning. I had a movie viewing in the afternoon. I called the house to check on Maxim, then walked into the theatre. My parents had fortunately returned home. The movie wasn't to my liking. I never liked the romance genre. Others seemed to have enjoyed it. I spotted Ceasar while I was waiting for my driver. He was with his friends and mate. I decided to call out to him. Ceasar got startled when I yelled, "Good afternoon, my dear brother-in-law!" Ceasar quickly turned around to face me. He sighed, then uttered, "Oh, it's you."

I gasped and stated, "What did I ever do to you for you to treat me this way?" Ceasar frowned and asked, "Have you forgotten who you are married to?" Ceasar's friends took a step back when they recognized me. I ran my fingers through my hair, then uttered, "Don't be afraid, guys. I won't hurt you unless you provoke me, of course." I winced when Keanu grabbed my hand and said, "It's nice to see you again, brother." I gazed at Keanu's wrist and said, "My, what a beautiful diamond bracelet you are wearing there. How much did it cost?" Keanu smiled, then asked, "Do you like it? It was a gift from Ceasar. He paid ninety thousand dollars for it." I sighed, then asked Ceasar, "How is the stock market looking today, Ceasar?" Ceasar huffed and declared, "I don't care. It's Christopher's job to keep track of everything."

I smirked, then stated, "I knew you would say that. Well, let me tell you something today. There are days when the empire loses large amounts of money. That's how businesses work. Your brother doesn't have a magic wand. He can't get the money back in a flash. You guys will end up in the streets if you keep throwing money like a lunatic. And let me promise you this, I'll be the first in line to buy the whole empire. Maybe you all can serve me then." Ceasar scowled at me, then said, "I'll talk to Chris tonight." I patted Ceasar's cheek and declared, "Don't ruin my husband's mood. I'm planning on going on a date with him tonight." Ceasar looked at me in shock. He probably wouldn't be able to sleep that night. My driver had already arrived. I bid Keanu farewell and left.

Chris called me the moment I reached my office. I sat behind my desk, then answered my phone. I closed my eyes when I heard his soothing voice. I composed myself when Chris asked, "Are you there, Van?" I checked the time, then asked, "Did you need something, Chris?" It seemed like Chris's assistant was in the room. Christopher sighed, then replied, "I wanted to know if you are interested in attending a party with me tomorrow night. It's a corporate event. Everyone who's anyone will be there. It's a great opportunity to get acquainted with the people you don't know yet." I contemplated, then replied, "Sure, why not? I want to know who the new players are."

Chris uttered, "Okay, I'll make the necessary arrangements. Talk to you soon. Bye," then cut off the phone. It looked like Chris was keeping his end of the bargain. I finished work on time, then went home. Christopher didn't come home for dinner. I was sure that he was still at his office. I took a shower and watched a children's movie with Maxim. I groaned when I received a notification from the children's hospital. It was Maxim's vaccination day soon. The little boy created a ruckus whenever it was time to visit the hospital. The cream Chris had given us had, fortunately, helped heal the boy's rashes.

Chris walked into the theatre room while Maxim was asleep. I was busy rubbing Maxim's feet. Chris tried his best not to yawn. I shook my head and stated, "You are allowed to act human now and then, Chris. Did you eat?" Chris sat down next to me. He yawned and replied, "Yeah, I ate with the staff. Thank you for asking. Maxim is already asleep, I see." I gazed at my son and said, "He fell asleep halfway through the movie."

Chris sat quietly and watched the movie with me. I got startled when I felt his head on my shoulder. Christopher had fallen asleep without realizing the dangers. His pheromones were out of control. It had started to soak into my skin and bones. Maxim seemed to enjoy the scent. The boy curled up like a baby. I carefully touched Christopher's head and said in my alpha voice, "Wake up, Chris." Christopher jumped up in fear. He rubbed his face in frustration and uttered, "I'm sorry, Van. It won't happen again. I promise." I grabbed Christopher's hand and said, "It's okay, Chris. Just don't lose control in front of other dominant alphas. You don't know what they might do to you." Chris gazed at me. He nodded, then walked away. I wondered what he was mulling about.

Thanks for reading, guys. The next installment will be an exciting one. Stay safe, everyone. Enjoy life and until Sunday.

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