Chapter 24. Leeches

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Evander's P.O.V

Hi guys, I'm back. I haven't recovered yet. I didn't want you guys to wait long, so I did my best to write something. I hope you guys will like it. Stay safe and enjoy reading.

Maxim was still asleep when we arrived home. I took my leather jacket off and said, "Take a shower and go to bed, Chris. I'll take care of everything." Chris rubbed his face in frustration, then replied, "I can't afford to stay home today. I have a meeting with Mr. Lang this afternoon. He found some beautiful gemstones in his mine. I want to see what I can do with them." I stroked Chris's back and uttered, "You need to take good care of yourself now that you are pregnant, Chris." Christopher sighed and answered, "I'll take a long nap before leaving for work. See you later."

It was almost seven-thirty. I didn't want to be late for my meeting. I kissed Chris's cheek, then went to my room. I decided to check on Chris and Maxim before leaving the house. Chris was in a deep sleep. Maxim was once again lying on his chest. I chuckled when I saw that the boy was awake. Maxim gazed at me, then grinned. I carefully picked up my son and hugged him. I kissed Maxim's head and declared, "Chris will wake up late today, darling. You don't have to wait for him." Maxim gasped and asked, "Is Papa sick?" I tickled Maxim's tummy and replied, "No, baby boy. He is just tired. He will be okay after resting for a while."

Maxim wiggled out of my arms and said before running out of the room, "That's good because I don't like to see him in pain." I looked in awe at my son. I wondered when he had seen Chris in pain. I was about to close the door behind me when Chris's phone rang. I replied without thinking. I winced when Chris's mother said, "How could you do this, Christopher? You have ruined Keanu's life. Your great-grandfather favored you. Get rid of the child. He will surely bless you with another one later." I growled, then said, "Mind repeating that, Petra." The woman went quiet for a moment. I huffed, then said, "I will make sure that you don't come in contact with Chris if I catch you spouting bullshit again. The child is mine. I will do anything to protect him and his father. Be warned. I don't joke around. I will kill..."

Petra cut off the phone before I could finish my sentence. I sighed while gazing at Chris. His stomach was showing. I walked to the bed and grabbed a blanket. I kissed Chris's stomach and whispered, "Don't worry, my child. Your father loves you. He won't do anything to hurt you." I covered Chris with the blanket, then kissed him softly. The guy was no doubt alluring. Other alphas probably thought he was a softy. I felt sorry for the guys who underestimated Chris. Chris possessed dangerous amounts of pheromones. The man could make you wag your tail like a dog in a second. He was crazy enough to laugh at you like a maniac too.

My parents were already having breakfast with Maxim in the dining room. My mother greeted me and said, "Congratulations, son. Chris told us about his pregnancy last night. We can cancel our trip if you guys need help with something." I shook my head and replied, "We can't anger our ancestors, Mom. Chris knows what's best for him. He won't put himself or the child at risk."

Maxim handed me a bagel and stated, "I'll make sure that Papa eats enough, Daddy." My father laughed and said, "Aren't you just trying to get rid of your food, Maxim? You have to gain weight, sweetheart. People will otherwise think that we don't feed you." Maxim giggled and uttered, "Okay, Grandpa. I will eat lots and lots of food from now on." I had a lot on my mind. I stayed quiet during the rest of breakfast. I wondered what my parents would say if they heard what Petra wanted from Chris.

I went straight to my office after freshening up. We were planning to launch a new actor. I had promised the boy's parents to make him famous. They came from South Africa and needed money. So everything needed to be perfect. I was about to have lunch with my assistant when Chris called me. He asked me to meet him at a restaurant. I could hear Maxim giggle in the background. "Does this mean that Chris stayed home?" I thought.

Maxim ran to me when I walked into the restaurant. He hugged my leg and said, "Papa brought me to work today, Daddy. Everyone was so nice. I had so much fun." Chris chuckled, then stated, "Your parents had to leave early for the airport. Maxim wouldn't stop crying, so I took him with me." I kissed Maxim's cheek and declared, "You will see your grandparents in a month, Maxim. And you can video call them whenever you want. So don't worry about them, and enjoy your time with your nanny."

I took a seat, then grabbed a menu. I got startled when Chris said, "My mother has invited me over for dinner tonight." I grasped Chris's hand and stated, "Don't go, Chris. She called you when you were sleeping. She wants you to get rid of our child. Your family thinks this will minimize the chances of Keanu losing his child."

Chris smiled, then uttered, "Don't you think I know what my family is planning, Van? I bet they will do anything to get rid of this baby. We belong to the same clan. We think alike, but don't you worry, Van. I have already taken steps to keep this child safe." I cupped Chris's face and kissed him passionately. Chris chuckled and said, "We are not alone, Van." I gazed at Maxim. The little boy was too busy staring at someone to notice the kiss. I grabbed Maxim and asked, "Who are you staring at, baby boy?"

Maxim pointed at someone and said, "That man over there has been beckoning me, Daddy." I immediately got up to check out the man. I placed Maxim on Chris's lap when I recognized Maxim's biological father. I kissed Chris's cheek and said, "I'll be right back." Chris hugged Maxim tightly. My bodyguards made a move to join me. I motioned them to stay put.

I walked to Luca's rapist and asked, "Why are you bothering my child?" The guy laughed and uttered, "That child is a threat to me. The sooner I get rid of him, the better." I nodded, then declared, "I will give you some time to make your last will. And take note. You will be dying in two weeks. I'm never wrong. So don't say I didn't warn you." It looked like I needed to consult a seer too. Both our children's lives were in danger. My enemy laughed when I uttered, "What a mess." "Good, keep thinking that you are more powerful than me. It will be easier to make you cry." Maxim was happily eating pasta when I returned. It looked like the boy had forgotten the scary man.

I sat down and asked, "You haven't told me yet why you invited me to lunch, Chris." Chris handed me a document and said, "Dr. Soren mailed me my check-up schedule. I thought you should have one too. Soren would like to meet you. Ask Syl to arrange a meeting with him for you." I nodded, then said, "I'll accompany you to all your appointments. The child is my responsibility too." Chris nodded and stated, "I have no problem with you joining me, Van." Maxim got startled when someone popped a champagne bottle. Chris stroked the boy's back and asked, "What are you planning to do with the guy, Van?" I smirked and replied, "Don't worry. I know how to handle leeches."

Chris gazed at the man and said, "He seems well connected. Do you need help?" I laughed and replied, "No, thank you." We finished our meals, then went our separate ways. I summoned my men when I arrived at work. I told them what had transpired and devised a plan to take revenge. The house was quiet when I reached home. I sighed in relief when I found Chris and Maxim in the kitchen. Chris was teaching the little boy how to bake buns. I kissed Chris's temple and asked, "How are you feeling?" Chris frowned and replied, "Good. Why? Don't tell me you believe in what the seer said." I hugged Chris and said, "I love you, Chris. I will take every threat to you seriously. So stop joking around." Chris looked at me in shock and asked, "What did you just say?" Maxim giggled and yelled, "Daddy said he loves you, papa!"

Chris kissed me intensely, then uttered, "Finally." I couldn't believe how smoothly everything went. I had finally confessed to Chris. Chris stared into my eyes and said, "I love you too, Van. Let's make a beautiful family together." We had a quiet dinner together. I decided to sleep in Chris's room that night. Chris went to shower first. I turned on the television to watch some news. I gazed at the bathroom door when I discovered Keanu was in the hospital.

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