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<Chapter one>


"Stop moving, it'll only hurt more"

You were grabbing a stray cat by the neck. You grabbed you pocket knife and stabbed it repeatedly.

"I sincerely apologize for this, but I really need food." You didn't like killing innocent animals. Those sad look in their faces making you feel worse every time. But you have no choice.

You started taking off the fur, getting it ready to cook the cat. You started a small campfire in the alleyway holding the stray cat on a stick.

"Wouldn't you like some real food?"

You turned to see a tall man wearing a weird looking helmet with two horns.

"Doesn't anybody?" You stated.

"True. So, what's your name?"


"Nanya...?" He waited for you to finish.

"Nanya business."

He stared at you obviously annoyed. He had heard this joke too many times...

"Real name." He ordered

"Jeffery Dahmer."

"You're lying again"

"You're no fun, I'm (Y/N) (L/N), and you?" She admitted asking a question in return.

"Baron Draxum" he replied sitting next to the girl.

"So Draxum, what is a man like you hanging out with a poor, homeless girl like me." She the girl asked.

She was confused on why he was sitting with her. Did he not see the dead animal she just killed?

"I have an offer."

"Hm. And what is it?"

"Before I give you this offer, where are your parents?"

"Dead. Dead as hell." You weren't fazed with this question. People would ask you this every time they saw you.

Draxum on the other hand saw this as an advantage.



Even better

"Then how about I take you with me?"

"I'm not stupid enough to follow a random stranger."


"Really? What about the offer?"

He know how kids are. The are always curious.

"...Fine. Lets hear it."

You sighed in defeat. This man wouldn't leave you alone no matter how hard you tried.

"I'll give you food and shelter, but in return you work for me."

This caught your attention. You thought about it for a moment. This man is offering you a home, and real food. But for all you know, this guy could be a serial killer.

"What is this job you want me to do?"

"Follow me, and I'll show you" he stood up offering you his hand. You thought about this once again, would you really going to follow this man willingly?

"Once I show you the job you can choose if you want to accept it or not."

"Let's say i didn't accept this offer, then what?" You interrogate him.

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄♡ • 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓Where stories live. Discover now