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<Chapter twenty—seven>
|Dependence and Debt|

"How are you feeling today?"

Mikey asked as he sat on the couch with you. You stare at him bored, it was another therapy session after all.


"And why is that?"

"Draxum is going to make an antidote for me to turn human again." He really turned me into a demon for nothing...

"Really!?" He exclaimed. "Do you...think I can be human too?"

You kept quiet for a while. Is it possible for Draxum to turn them human as well? You'd have to ask. "Maybe."

"It's better than nothing." He smiled. "Is there anyone helping him?"

"The purple dragons and your brother." You simply replied.

Mikey nodded understanding. You've told him about the drug attempt, so he spoke with the purple dragons to keep Donatello occupied while someone sane accompanied you.

Either it was Mikey and Jason or Mikey and Kendra or Mikey and Jeremy. (You requested Mikey to be with you at all times.) Right now, you were in the living room, while the purple dragons and Draxum are working with Donatello to make an antidote in his room.

"You've been more open with me lately." Mikey noticed, smiling.

"Is that a good thing?"

"Yeah!" He exclaimed. "Do you want to continue?"

"No, I wanna go home." Your eyelids got heavy.

"Alright then, we can continue tomorrow." Mikey nodded in agreement. You smiled and you kissed the top of his head. You smelled his aura beam in joy at the contact.

"Sure thing." You smiled.

"Where will you be staying?" He asked.

"With April, so I won't be alone." You replied with a chuckle. He smiled back as he kissed your cheek goodbye.

"Stay safe then!" He blushed as he retreated. You, for the first time, blushed at the contact.

You're starting to think you might have feelings for the box turtle.


You did it again.

Leonardo watched the whole interaction between you and his little brother. And you kissed his younger brother instead of him. And he kissed you. Why can't you kiss him only, like you used to? Only him?

He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. He doesn't want to end up like last time with...

What was his name again? Never mind. He thought.

What he needed was someone to talk to, someone he can trust, and something to eat. Maybe some pizza from Señor Hueso's restaurant? Yeah, that should do it. He used his swords to get to the restaurant quicker. As he entered the restaurant, Señor Hueso immediately noticed Leonardo's serious expression.

"What's wrong Pepino?" He asked.

"...I'm just..." Leo hesitated for a moment before speaking. "tired." He lied, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh." That was all Señor Hueso could say. He's never seen Leonardo so gloomy or serious before. He's usually playful and annoying the hell out of him, only right now, Leonardo seemed...off.

"Then let's get you something to eat, eh?" He pats Leo's shell gently, walking besides him to his office. "I just need to get something first."

"Ok." Leonardo complied as felt himself get dizzy, black spots taking over his vision, like last time.

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄♡ • 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓Where stories live. Discover now