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*So, many of you are thinking Mikey will go over the Obsession Percentage, no. He will not, only the characters I find rather...mentally unstable. That's all I have to say! You may continue.


<Chapter thirty>

"Buy a cookie and help me save trees! Without trees there'd be no air. Without air there'd be no us. Think of the trees people!"

April shoved a box of cookies into some guy trying to advertise 'save the trees' who just whimpered and ran away. She sighed as she gave up and sat on the floor disappointed.

"Try Grandma CJ's brownies and you'll see just how good a brownie can be. Way better than a cookie." A blonde little girl across from her snickers as she smirked mockingly.

"And the list of my failures continue to grow. That crashed harder than my aviary club, Miniatures club, Magician assistance club. That was just Tuesday!" She counted, throwing he hands behind her head.

"Sounds like you could use a little help."

April jumped at the sudden voice. She turned to see you leaning on a tree, wearing a hat to cover your horns.

"You're in! Thank you!" She hugged you close.

"No problem." You pat her back. You've learned a few things from Splinter that might help out April. "Alright April just remember this. When making a sale, you are not selling the cookie, you are selling an idea."

"How do you know this stuff?" April questioned.

"Splinter." You replied. "Now go!"

"Okay you can do this O'Neil." She gave herself a pep talk, breathing in deeply. "People of New York, are you enjoying the sunny spring day? The outdoors, the breathing of air, buy this cookie!" She smiled gesturing the pastry she held in her hand. People actually came closer to listen to her speech.


Everyone was frightened by her tone of voice, making them all run away.

"HAH!?" She grew confused why everyone ran.

You laugh quietly as you place your hand on her shoulder. "Don't sweat it April."

"You try." She handed you the cookie gently.

"Uhhh—I don't know..." you grew nervous, you hate speaking. "I can try."

You walked up to the middle of the sidewalk, sweating somewhat nervously. Cookies...kind of reminds you of Mikey. You're gonna have to improv.

"Remember this smell?" You sniff the cookie as you catch everyone's attention. "Piping hot chocolate chip cookies like momma and papa used to make. it brings me to simpler times." You recall your moments with your family and Oujirou.

"Times when I had my papa to kiss my boo boos to read me stories and tuck me in at night." You smiled sadly. Everyone wipes their tears as they listened to your lovely speech.

"Would anyone like any cookies? They are made with love." You smiled softly.

It fucking worked.

Everyone came over to Aprils cookie stand with money in their hands. Cheering for you. You ran to April and hid behind her. You both start grabbing everyone's money, giving people their cookie boxes.

"I don't currently take Mandarin, Spanish, Swedish and Flemish to be outsold by these banes!" The same girl from across, selling brownies sneered at the sight of the two of you.

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄♡ • 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓Where stories live. Discover now