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*sorry for the late update, I had writers block and almost forgot I was writing a fanfic as well :( but! I'm back! :)


<Chapter thirty—five>

"...can I trust you with this?" Draxum questioned.

"Dad...I promise I won't do anything with it." You sigh tiredly.

"...fine." He muttered softly, handing you back your gun, the one you had almost shot him with. You need a way to protect yourself, and anyone else. But, it still afraid you'll shoot him since—he killed your childhood friend, you know?

"Watch me shoot that red-eared—"

"Are we going or not?" Draxum interrupted.

"Yeah, I'm coming." You nod, following Draxum out of the school cafeteria.

Today you two decided to have a father and daughter day. It's been a while since you two have hung out alone as a family. Draxum shut the lights off, pulling you over the the exit.

Now, you two were walking across the sidewalks, both of you wearing hoodies to hide yourselves. Although, you have to wear a hat due to your horns, but you don't have your hat with you right now, so you have Raph's scarf around you. Which had ripped up a bit, due to your horns. You called him to see if he can come over and fix it, and with no hesitation, he immediately accepted saying—

'you know I'll do anything for you!'

"What if..." Draxum pondered, thinking of what you two could do today. "We cook together, like we used to."

"Sure, but I'm cooking the steak this time." You chuckle. "I don't want you burning down my kitchen."

"Fine." He rolled his eyes.

"We should probably go to the store first to buy some ingredients." You state. "I don't have much at my apartment."

"Then what are we waiting for?" He snickered, ruffling your hair. "Let's go." He walked a bit faster, leaving you behind.

"Hey! Wait for me!"



You hum in response, facing the person who had called you, only to see your math teacher.

Shoot, she thought.

"You're in my first period class, right?" He questioned, recognizing you from under your scarf.

"Oh, yeah, hey Mr. Garrison..." you greet kind of awkwardly. You look around the store to find Draxum, but he wasn't here. He must still be at the meat section.

"I haven't seen you in a very long time." Mr. Garrison remarked, slightly annoying you. "I hope you're at least doing your assignments online."

"Yes sir." You nod in confirmation.

"Good." He smiled. "Now don't forget to do your math homework that's due tomorr—"

"Shut up." You snapped. Your teacher pursed his lips in a straight line, feeling like he deserves this. "The Pythagorean theorem can kiss my butt!"

"Alright!?" You ask, earning a shaky nod from him. "I'm not doing your assignments. Now you better give me an A for the rest of the semester before I tell your wife you're cheating on her with the school principal." You demanded with a small smirk.

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄♡ • 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓Where stories live. Discover now