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<Chapter twenty—three>

"Shoo! get out of here!"

Splinter smacked a pigeon away from him as he was gliding through the air. The bird got angry and started attacking him, causing both of them to fight.

"Hey, what's that?" A foot soldier pointed at the fight far away. Unable to identify what it is.

"It's... two birds in love." Another soldier spoke up as the four soldiers stare at the fight in awe.

Splinter screamed as he knocked into the soldiers, knocking them out in the process.

"Just like I planned." Splinter tried being slick.

"Yeah, right." Splinter looked up to see you smirking down at him, wearing your foot soldier disguise. "You think you're slick, but you're nOT—"

"You didn't leave any goons for me?" April scoffed jumping on top of knocked out soldier in her foot soldier disguise. "I got all jacked up for kicking some foot butt and you can't put that feeling back in the bottle!"

"She's not wrong." You chimed in.

"Do not worry, there is plenty more inside." Splinter remarked.

You all climb through the vents into the foot shack, eventually reaching the basement to find the dark armor.

"The dark armor. It is almost complete." He gasped.

"We are so close. Patience. Soon you will control it's great power." The foot Lieutenant spoke to Draxum.

You felt your chest tighten at the sight of him. Why did everything have to change so quickly...

"Where are the boys?  They should be there by now." Splinter worried.

Splinter...has been becoming a better father for the past few weeks. He's hanging out with them a bit more than his TV. He even took Donnie and Mikey to a father—son car competition. You have no idea what that is, but they came back they were so happy. Donnie even came at night to your room to talk you all about it.

It turned out to be a demolition derby? Something like that, but splinter made it up to them. Now, every time you visit the lair, you would always make time to spend time with splinter.

Yes, you finally moved out, and right next to the purple dragons apartment. But, nobody needs to know that, right?

"They know how important this mission is. They'll be there." April reassured him, patti g his shoulder.


They forgot all about the mission.

"Eat eat eat some cake! Eat some cake!" Raph danced and beatboxed all the way to the kitchen. He opened the fridge. "Raph's gonna eat some cake!" He grabbed the piece of cake, only for it too blow up.

"Class Mikey prank attack!" Mikey laughed

"Nice work bro. Gimme some."

"Yeah." Mikey high fives his brother in blue, only to find out it was a fake. "Aw nuts."


𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄♡ • 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓Where stories live. Discover now