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<Chapter nineteen>

Draxum closed his eyes thoughtfully. He wanted some time to himself after everything's that happened. He also has to think of something to turn you into his masterpiece, something people have never seen before.

Something deadly, he just needs you to lose that spark of yours—


He needs to destroy that spark in your eyes, he needs you to be like you were the day he met you.




With the amount of joy you have right now, all those emotions, his plan could never work. You would easily take the turtles side, protecting humanity with the powers he would give you. It would all be for nothing.

He trusts you, as a father, to make the right choice, he just needs to change your perspective on life.


"I'll meet you there." You ended your call. Leonardo peeked into the kitchen, seeing what you're up to. You seemed excited and happy today, he wonders why.

"Whaaat are you doiiiiing?" He snuck up from behind, hugging you.

"Talking to a friend of mine." You explained. You rub his head soothingly as he relaxed his head on your shoulder. You let go and walk away. Leo, now his arms cold, stared at you confused.

Where were you going?

He followed behind like a lost puppy, his tiny tail wagging. He stood right outside your room, waiting for you to come out ready for whatever you'll be doing today. Today was your day off, so you're not going to work right now.

You come out your room, with simple clothing, Nothing too fancy, yet Leonardo adored it. He thought you looked stunning, extremely beautiful, more than the goddess, Athena, herself.

"You look amazing." He grinned.

"Thank you, Leon." You smiled. "Now, I must go."

"Wait—where are you going?"

"Meeting a friend of mine." You exclaimed. "I haven't seen him in years."

...Him? As in, it's a guy? He thought to himself. Leonardo felt the whole world stop at the sound of that word. If you're going out with a guy, does that mean—"you're going on a date!?"

"No. He's just a friend. Childhood friend to be exact." You explained, rubbing the back of your neck. Leonardo felt himself relax after that. "We're just gonna catch up, see what's going on in life."

"...Alright..." he mumbled, hugging you close. You hug back momentarily before letting go.

"See you later." You wave.

"Bye..." Leonardo waved back sadly.

It may not be a date, but he still didn't like it. What if he was a mutant like Sunita in disguise? Or maybe works with the foot clan? No he thought to himself. He knows you can handle yourself. You'll be fine

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄♡ • 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓Where stories live. Discover now