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<Chapter two>

"Happy seventeenth birthday (Y/N)!" You turn around to see the demonic creatures once again holding a cupcake with a single candle.

"Huh. Seven years have passed by? I guess time does fly." You took of your warding mask getting ready to blow off the candle.


You sighed in disappointment. What did he want this time?

"Yes Draxum?"

"I have come to inform you that your training-"

"Still needs work. Yeah, yeah. I know." You've been training for years now, but every year he told you the same thing.

You want to go out again. Not out of the tower, but to the human realm. You want to feel the sun's heat on your face, or stare at the stars again.

Maybe you will.

"I was going to say that your training is over. You're ready." He continued. You stare at him shocked.

"...Come again?"

"Yes, I was informed of what mythical creature has the substance. You are to retrieve it and bring it to me." He explained. You were more than happy to hear this. You can finally go out again.

"You will be accompanied by two others as well." While he spoke, two mutants riding mutant dogs entered the room.

"Are you sure you want me to go with them?" You asked unsure of this idea."No offense, but people up there will definitely freak." You stated.

"I'm not careless (Y/N)." Draxum snapped his fingers signaling the other two. They both turned human, while the mutant dogs turned into puppies.

"See? I'm not careless"

"... That's a first."

"Now go and bring me the ooze." He said pointing outside.

"Yes, sir." The three of you spoke standing straight. You all then turned towards the door leaving.

"Oh, and (Y/N)!"

"Yes, sir?

"... No boys."

You froze. You felt your face heating up. You quickly put on your mask to cover up your blush.

"Shut up old man, I'm old enough to make my own decisions now." You shouted closing the door quickly. The other two looked at you confused.

"... Don't ask."

You all went to the wall and open the portal once again.

"Are you ready, lady (Y/N)?" One of them asked.

You took a deep breath taking a step forward.

"Yes. Now follow me."

Your journey now begins


In New York city, four mutants landed on a rooftop. Below them was a rich man being handed a briefcase full of money at a party.

The purple masked turtle shoots a cable to a metal beam on the other side of the party, attaching the other end of the cable to the wall next to him.

"Yellow submarine, are we clear?" Raph asked?

"Affirmative, Red Rover" A girl confirmed.

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄♡ • 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓Where stories live. Discover now