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<Chapter seventeen>

You sat quietly above the ramp staring at pictures from a magazine while Leo was skateboarding, Donnie on his phone, and Micheal ready to join Leo.


"WHAT THE—" You caught Leo from falling again.

"Wha—?" Donnie got up confused.

"Boom shakalaka!" Mikey exclaimed. "Did that come from the Tank garage?"

"No, no, no, no." Donnie denied. "No, there's definitely nothing wrong with the tank because it for sure doesn't backfire for no reason sometimes."


You set Leo down. You all walk towards the garage, only to find it closed. Leo decided to knock softly.

"Who—hoo! That's the stuff!" You heard Raph exclaim.

"Raph! Is that you?" Mikey questioned.

"NO!— I MEAN— yes...why would I speak and then it not be me?" He chuckled nervously. "One sec!"

You all stand in front of the garage, waiting for him to open the doors. You hear crashing and clattering noises coming from the other side.

"Raph, you good?" You asked concerned.

He open the door slightly from below. "Hey, it my brothers and (Y/N)...what brings you all to the lair?"

"We all literally live here—" You were interrupted by the others opening the doors fully. They leap inside getting it a protective stance.

"What was all that noise?" Leo asked suspiciously.

"What noise?" He asked.

"Was that just you setting up our next sparring session?" Leo asked.

"—sure, yeah. It was that and nothing else."

Liar you thought to yourself. It was way to easy to figure out. Any idiot could figure it out.

Leo for example.

"Sweet! I could go for a game 'Capture the Bandanna!" Mikey grinned.

"Usual rules, first to capture a bandanna other than his own color is the winner." Donnie explained.

You back away slowly, not wanting to interrupt their game, but still watch to see who wins this game. Since you don't have a bandanna, you can't play.

"Uhhh— I'm not really in the mood to play a game." Raph scratched his neck nervously.

"But...you set up it up." You stated.

He blinked before panicking again. "OH, THATS RIGHT! I—I am in the mood."

"Dude, what is with you?" Donnie questioned.


"Donnie versus Raph!" Mikey announced. "Go!"

Donnie pulled out his staff, sprinting towards his older brother. "Taste my bandanna fury!"

"Ah." He weakly hit him.

...you thought to yourself...What the fu—

"...whoa! Donnie, you are so strong!" Raph fell down.

"A quadruple threat, my friend. Strong, funny, amusing, and hilarious." Donnie grinned, taking Raph's bandanna.

"...Kinda looked like he took a dive." Leo noticed, sipping on some coffee.

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄♡ • 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓Where stories live. Discover now