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<Chapter twenty—eight>
|100k special|


*knock* *knock*

You wake up to see Leonardo standing outside your apartment window. He was wearing his blue pajamas. You tiredly get up and open the window, letting him in.

"Can't sleep?" You asked rubbing your eyes.

"No." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Can I—"

"Sure, but let me sleep." You yawn as you lay back in bed, making room for him.

He beamed with joy. He crawled onto your bed, laying next to you facing you. You know he has trouble sleeping, so it's kind of normal for him to come sleep with you.

He snuck his arms around your waist, nuzzling his snout onto your neck, his tiny tail wagging happily. You wrap your arm around him, placing your chin on top of his head. It was hot in your room, you needed something to cool you down.

You chuckle to yourself. "You're lucky you're cold blooded—" you yawned. "Nightmare or just trouble sleeping?"

"Trouble." He lied. He just used this as an excuse to be with you, even though you can smell out auras, you were too tired to tell if he lied or not.

"Alright...Goodnight then..." you drift to sleep.

Leonardo heard your quiet snores. You passed out quickly. You sounded cute. He drew his head back to admire your facial features as you slept. Your (H/C) hair, your (S/C) skin, everything. He loved everything about you. Your perfections and your flaws.

"I love you." He muttered, running his fingers through your hair gently. It was a good thing you fell asleep, he would be so embarrassed if you heard that. "I love you so much." He was deep in thought.

She wouldn't mind...right?, he thought.

He brought his hand down to your jaw, caressing it soothingly, gently enough to not wake you up.

He hesitated before slowly leaning towards you, placing a long and loving kiss, connecting his lips with yours. He felt ecstatic, this was the best thing he's ever experienced. Your lips felt so soft against his, so warm, he only got more passionate and intense with the kiss, closing his eyes in pleasure.

Oh, how he never wanted this moment to end, even though you won't remember it.

He retreated quickly when he felt you moving. You turned around to face the wall, still asleep.

God, you were perfect.

He blushed at the thought of doing it again. Maybe some other time. He hugged you once again, closer as he nuzzled his snout back into your warm neck, his tail wagging rapidly once again.

OH MI GOSH I JUST DID THaT!, he panicked inside. He looked back up to your sleeping figure,

"I love you." This was a now a core memory. "So much."


"Do you wanna hang out together?" Mikey asked as his cheeks tinted with a pink hue.

You just entered the lair for more sessions with Mikey—Dr.Feelings— not really this.

"...is this another trick?" You furrowed your eyebrows, recalling the 'other' hangouts or dinners. "I swear, if there's another person there I don't like-"

"NO!" Mikey blurted out with a noticeable blush on his face. "No, J—Just the two of us. For real this time."

You had to take a moment to breathe in his aura, to sense any lie, just in case—but there was nothing. He was being genuine.

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄♡ • 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓Where stories live. Discover now