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<Chapter twenty—four>

"No word. No contact. Where are my kids? If only I had a clue is to where they are." Splinter worried, pacing back and forth.

Behind him, a portal opened up as April fell down tied up. Splinter still didn't notice her though.

"Someone send me a clue! Anything! A hint, a whisper, A well timed crash!?" He begged. April crashed onto the ground as she tried crawling over to him. He turned around to find april struggling to speak and break out the ropes. "April!"

He placed April against a wall, while she tried to speak. Unfortunately, her mouth was still covered.

"Don't worry, I will free you with my helping toe!" He lifts his crusty old toe. April let out a muffled scream as his toe came closer. He took a deep breath as he finally took it off.

"Okay, First, ew..." she hurled. "Second...WE'RE DOOMED!" She cried. "Draxum captured the guys and (Y/N)!"

"My sons!" He gasped in horror. Sure, he was worried about you too. But, from he's learned from you, family comes first.

"He said that we need to give him the one of last piece of the dark armor, or else. And he says you have it!" April explained anxiously.



"How did we get captured? We did exactly what pop taught us." Raph frowned as he looked around the cage they were all currently locked inside.

"Maybe this is what dad wanted, Maybe this is our destiny." Mikey grinned.

"Locked in a cage, failed in our mission, held ransom by the foot, not get married to (Y/N), and none of us gave him grandchildren!?" Leo ranted. "Somehow I think he wanted more." He held his knees close to him. He was worried about you, he has no idea what Draxum could be doing to you right now.

Donnie glared slightly at his twin when mentioning you. "I begeth your Pardon?—"

"Maybe we didn't stay true to the Hamato ways. Dad taught us wisdom is within us. We just need to focus, meditate deeply and our path will be revealed." Raph sat crisscrossed with his brothers, meditating.

"OhM's LaW." Donnie meditated loudly. His brothers turn to him how an annoyed expression. "Sorry can you guys hear that?"


Locked in a cage, while Draxum was bathing in mystic energy.


Why is it that when someone finally come into your life and makes you happy, they have to go.

It's like a curse. And now Oujirou was gone because of you.

"So this is the last descendant of the (L/N) clan? I pity you." Lieutenant Foot snickered.

"The (L/N) clan?" Draxum questioned as he bathed in mystic energy, while Brute massaged his legs.

"Yes, they are an ally of the Hamato clan. Well, more like their protectors." Lieutenant explains with his raspy voice. "They are to protect the Hamato's from any harm, but from what you've told us, she tried to terminate them instead!" He cackled along with Brute. "How convenient!"

So that's the clan I was to protect? You thought. Why did Otou—san never tell me?

"She was close to killing them." Draxum spoke up. "Until she got attached to those stupid turtles." He sneered as he glared at you.

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄♡ • 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓Where stories live. Discover now