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Also— WE JUST REACHED 100K VIEWS!?!?! 🥹🥹🥹 I'm gonna cry from joy.
Thank you all for reading this book! You may continue.

Oop— is this like...my third chapter this week??? Bro! I'm on fire🔥! Goodbye writers block!

Ok now let's get serious.

*Warning* (that's all I'm gonna say or else it would spoil the story.)


<Chapter twenty—five>

"You're Pretty."

You wake up to hear Donnie's voice. You turn from your bed to face him to see he was sitting at the edge of your bed. He seem to be zoned out. You're staying with the turtles for a while, you don't really wanna go home and see the purple in your current situation.

"What?" You yawn.

"PETTY!" Donnie choked. "I—I SAID YOUR PETTY!"

"...ok?" You couldn't comprehend what he said anyway, you were half asleep. "What are you doing here though? I don't think I have injuries for you to check."

"Just checking." He tried playing it cool.

You sensed something way off his aura—no—smell something off his aura. Yes, you heard. Smell. You can smell emotions or people's aura, you're guessing it's because of your new form? Maybe an ability?. —you haven't told him about it yet.—that's off topic, his aura had...hidden intentions.

Donnie could feel you trying to read him, making him shift in your bed somewhat uncomfortable.

He wanted to know more about you, so he interrogated his younger brother who was giving you sessions with Dr. Feelings for a while. Mikey wouldn't tell him anything without your permission, so he would lie to Donnie, so what did the soft shell do?

He teased, scolded, taunted him, almost threatened him, and forced the truth out of him when no one was around. the poor box turtle couldn't handle it and told his brother everything about your past. Anything to make him stop.

Once that was over, he left him alone. Donnie smiled as he heard your story. Sure—it was bad and depressing—but now, he knows you more, but you don't need to know that. You don't need to. Right now, that didn't matter. What mattered was that you were here with him.

"Uh...do..do you want some tea? I could make you some." He offered rubbing his neck nervously. He had to be careful with his words, not wanting to seem suspicious. He glanced at you slowly, hoping you'd say yes.

"Sure, that would be nice actually." You sit up tiredly with your hair all over your face, rubbing your eyes.

"Alrighty then, I will be back soon." He grinned a bit too widely for your liking. "With some delightful tea." With that, he left.

You turn your head to see his leaving figure.

What are you planning, Donatello?


Donatello went to his room to make you some tea for you there instead of the kitchen. His brothers were there, and if they saw him making tea they would most likely ask who's it for since he doesn't drink that.

He started heating up some water on one of his inventions he made a few day ago, making it for days like this. For you.

He took out a tea bag from one of his cabinets as the water finally boiled. He poured it on a small cup stirring it with the teabag.

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄♡ • 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓Where stories live. Discover now