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<Chapter three>
|𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐲|

The men had turned back into their mutant-selves along with the guard dogs. The silence was so loud, you could hear a pin drop. Until Leo decided to ruin it.

"So... you guys from new Jersey?"

"Really, Leo?" Mikey deadpanned

"What? I can't make a joke in the middle of the craziest thing ever? That's how I cope." Leo defended himself. They all heard muffled laughter erupting from you. You were trying not to laugh, So you turned around to look at the mutants that were with you.

"Mood!" you laughed out.

"HA! She laughed! She thinks my one-liners are funny!"

"Whatever,This is our chance to finally use these babies. Weapons ahoy!" Raph exclaimed.

"We agreed to reserve 'ahoy' for ship based adventures, pal, please." Donnie reclaimed. The mutant guard dogs started snarling and growling. You stared at the mutant turtles, not wanting to underestimate them. You start petting the dogs.

"Go... fetch." You demanded. They immediately start racing towards them. Donnie then step in front of his brothers.

"Don't worry guys, I got this!" Donnie's staff expands and jets appear from both ends. You were intrigued. There wasn't weapons like this back in mystic city.

He then throws his staff. You and the henchmen get ready to dodge it, but instead it spins and flies away like crazy.

"Ah, no n... oh, no, no. That's so bad." You all look up to see the creature teleport up.

"Dog Thingy!"

The creature catches the staff in it's mouth, teleporting back, giving the staff to Donnie.

"Oh! It plays fetch..." it then teleports to back to April's arms. "And teleports, which is... Oh! MY GOD IT TELEPORTS!"

One of the mutants shoots Donnie with their lasers, making Donnie let put a scream and hit his head against a bunch of bricks.


"Pro tip, the inexplicable glow-y wave – extraordinarily painful." Donnie groaned.

"All right, Mikey, you take the one that looks like a broken toaster. I'll take the guy that looks like a fancy trash can. Leo you take the human!" Raph demanded. You threw a weapon towards him making him fly backwards.

"They look exactly the same-" Mikey argued. One of them started to chase Raph, while Mikey ran away as he looked behind him. "And they don't like like any of those things!" He continued. The other mutant followed Mikey, while the other was still occupied with Raph.

You began to walk toward April to get hold of the creature.

"Hey! Where are you going? To scared to fight, sweetheart?" He flirted.

"Oh, so your the flirty type. Fine then, come and get me, my love~" you flirt back. Leo didn't really expect this reaction. He thought it would tick you off. He started to feel weird in his stomach.

"Oh-ho-ho-ho!" He laughed it off. He runs towards you swinging his swords. You take out your tessen and swing as well, breaking his swords in the process.

He had closed his eyes thinking he did the coolest thing ever. Only to open his eyes to see his swords broken.

"My swords!" He muttered. He then threw what was left of his swords towards you, dodging by only tilting your head.

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄♡ • 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓Where stories live. Discover now