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The wind brushed against my fingers as I held them outside the window while we were driving. The landscapes flew past me on this warm sunny day. Wanting to feel the wind brush against my skin, I held my head out the opened window and closed my eyes. My hair was flying and a huge grin decorated my face.

I was on the way to the long awaited holiday with my family. We would go to the beach house my best friend's family owned. Our mothers have been friends ever since pre-school so it was obvious for Choi Sora and me to follow in their footsteps.

"Mommy! A..i is leaving the car!" My youngest brother Soori, who had troubles pronouncing my name Ahri, exclaimed panicked.

"I'm not leaving Hun, I would never!" I reassured the two year old and tickled his little belly. When I turned back around to face the front I saw my mother smiling at us through the back mirror.

Suddenly a crying next to me was heard and I saw my youngest sister awoke from her slumber. "Miga, you little baby" I tried to calm her, to which she made grabby hands as a response. The just five months old girl already had a lot of strength when wrapping her tiny hand around my finger.

"Why is she crying, Ahri?" Asked the four year old Jonghun, and placed his hands on the back of the baby's seat to look over it. "She just awoke and is probably just a bit confused" I ruffled my brother's hair, he was the oldest of the three but still had a 15 year age gap with me.

"Thanks champion, you're better at calming her than me" Admitted my father before focusing back on the road. I lowered my head shyly, proud of myself after my father's words. "You'll be a great mother one day" Complimented my mom and held out for my hand.

"Well, I had the best rolemodel for it" I replied which caused my mom to giggle loudly. "She is right sweetheart, you're the best wife I could ever wish for" My father pulled my mother's hand towards himself and pressed a chaste kiss on it.

I leaned back and watched the scene in front of me, happy to be together with my family again.

"Please stop crying!" I begged my little sister and played with some toy in hopes of getting her attention. My mother turned around and tried to lighten the mood of her daughter but nothing seemed to help.

"Jonghun! Leave the seatbelt on!" Quickly, I reached back to buckle him up again but he alway swatted my hands away again. "Jonghun stop it!" Scolded our father who had noticed the chaos going on. I unbuckled myself to have more reach and I was able to buckle Jonghun up again.

I sighed heavily and rested my forehead on the other seat for a second before turning back around.


I heard muffled voices but they were overtaken by the ringing in my ears.
My head was dizzy and everything around me was a blur. I touched the most aching part on my head and brought my hand in front of my eyes to see something red on my fingers.

What happened?

The muffled voices became clearer and I noticed that it were cries from children.

Suddenly I remebered; a car had come up ahead of us, driving straight towards us. I warned my dad and he had tried to dodge the other but because of that we were thrown off the road down the little hill. The car was now laying on it's side and I saw Miga in her seat right in front of me.

Right, because I was unbuckled I was thrown against her side of the car and had put my body over hers in an attempt to protect her. Resulting from her crying, she should be fine to at least some extent.

"Mom, dad, Jonghun, Soori?" I caughed out and tried to find a way out of this car. "Ahri?" I heard the frightened voice of Jonghun and was relieved that he was still in a conscious state.

"See if your brother is awake and if not try to wake him" I ordered him and then saw the little four year old unbuckle his seat to check up on his younger brother.

"Mom? Dad?" I asked again but didn't get a response, not even after shaking their shoulders. My father's head was flooded with blood and I wanted to check on my mom but regretted doing so the moment I saw her state.

A bigger part of the window was pierced in her stomach and the sight made me gag.

But what was that smell?


"We..we need to get out of here!" I rambled, fumbling for the baby harness. I slung it around my body and gently placed Miga, who had stopped crying by now, in it.

With whatever power I still had in me, I opened the other door over my head and pulled myself out of the smoking car. I stumbled a few steps before placing Miga on the grass to get my brothers.

I shut my eyes tightly when a piercing pain went through my head but I knew I needed to move faster.

"Ahri, he isn't...he isn't waking up" I saw Junghun standing in the car, looking at Soori who was sideways laying in his seat. "It's okay baby, I'll get you both!"

He held up his little arms so I could pull him out of the car. "Go to your sister!"

I checked for Soori's pulse and could luckily find it. I pulled him out of his seat as well and made my way back to the others. I placed Soori on the ground and wanted to go back to get my parents when Jonghun stopped me.

"Your stomach is red" He stated and I looked down. I was only wearing a top so you could clearly see the glass that pierced into my skin, just like my mother.

"I'm fine!" I stuttered but I knew better, I was far from it.

"I'm going to get help!" Jonghun started running towards the street with his baby steps before I could stop him.

I made my way back to the car but my steps became slower and more painful the more I took.

"Over there!"
Was the last thing I remembered before everything turned black.

"My siblings"

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