Chapter 16

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Earlier when Ahri left for her date with Minho

Ahri had actually forbidden Minho to do something fancy for their date and since Minho didn't want to unneccesaryly upset her, he decided to settle for a cliche picnic in the park.

The whole way to the park Ahi wore a smile on her face while she clutched her purse tightly. This was going to be the first real date she and Minho would have, alone together. She skipped past an elderly lady who she recognized as her neighbor and chirped a bright "Good afternoon!" The lady only smiled and shook her head, remembering her youth when she was also so in love with a young man.

When Ahri spotted Minho sitting on a blanket about fifty metres away from her she suddenly stopped and stared ahead. Was she seriously this excited over meeting up with a guy she wasn't even dating yet?

Yes she was and Ahri suddenly felt so stupid an immature for it. After her parent's death she had swore herself to not let somebody in to an extend where they could hurt her this much again. And still Minho somehow found a way to wiggle himself into her broken heart and Ahri realised that she wasn't feeling bad because of that. She was feeling bad because she had shut out so many people just because she was not strong enough to face the risk of possibly getting hurt again.

She shook her head and walked over to Minho who at some point looked up and spotted her. He jumped up from his position and his lips pulled into a wide smile. He took a few steps ahead and embraced Ahri as soon as she stood close enough. "I missed you!" He whispered into her hair and felt Ahri's body vibrate against his because of her laughing. "We called each other yesterday."

"But the last time I saw you was a week ago and that was only about a twenty minute lunch break together with my members" Minho whined but reluctantly let go of his crush. Ahri pecked his cheek as a form of reassuance and the two settled down on the blanket.

"So I brought a lot of stuff?" Minho giggled shyly and opened the basket that stood next to them, "Sandwiches, Fruites, Cake, Coffee, Juice.." He trailed off unsure and Ahri again pecked his cheek - well more the corner of his lip - but it had the same effect, if it wasn't even more effective.

"It's perfect!" She whisper soothingly and Minho smiled brightly again.

The two ate almost everything Minho had prepared and talked about anything that came to their minds - neither of them had felt this comortable in a long time. Both of them weren't the most extroverted or social people but being in the other's company was what both of them surprisingly longed for.

"Do you think my parents would be mad at me for.. moving on?" Ahri hesistanly asked while she was cuddled up against Minho's chest.

"No of course not. They love you and want what's best for you. They want you to be happy because you absolutely deserve that. So please don't ever feel guilty for accepting what happened and now building your new life."

Ahri's heart filled with love towards the man that had his arms wrapped securely around her. She turned around and pressed their lips together - she wanted Minho to know how thankful she was and knew that a kiss could bring that across better than words.

"I guess I just feel guilty because I was the one that survived and not them. Sometimes I wonder if my siblings would have a better life now if it were that way" Minho wanted to hit something for ever making the girl feel that way. He couldn't think of anything that could possibly make her feel better.

"Ahri, what is the last thing you remember from that day?" He asked, pressing a kiss to her knuckles to calm her down.

"Not much, I know that I passed out after I got my siblings out of the car. I know that Jonghun got help and I think that I told that someone to take care of my siblings. But I'm not too sure about that last part. And then I woke up again in the hospital." Ahri finished her memories and nuzzled her face in the crook of Minho's neck.

"That was me."

"What was you?" Ahri pulled away confused after Minho's sudden confession. Minho took both of her hands in his and kissed them gently.

"I was the one who your brother got for help. I was the one that called the ambulance that day" Minho was quiet, waiting for Ahri's reaction.


Ahri was shocked and slowly pulled her hands out of Minho's grip while the latter looked at her with almost desperate eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I wasn't enterily sure. I did recognize you from somewhere but I wanted to make sure before I tell you. I only got the confirmation a few weeks ago and then I waited for the right time to tell you" Minho wanted to take her hands again but the girl backed away which resulted in a stabbing pain in Minho's chest.

"Why.. why didn't you get my parents out?" Ahri's mind had blocked out everything around her, the only thing replaying in her ears was her warning scream towards her father before the other car crashed into them. Ahri never bothered to find out what happened to that driver - she didn't care either way.

"I didn't have time. The car, it caught fire" Minho tried to stay rational but a single tear escaped his eye because of their distance.

"No, no, that's not true. You could have gotten them out! Why didn't you?" She raised her voice at the last question and Minho was glad that no one was near them as he knew that Ahri couldn't use unneccessary attention right now.

"I didn't even saw your parents at first. For all I knew you and your siblings were the only passengers" He grabbed her hand again but she harshly pulled it away again, bringing more tears to Minho's eyes. She herself didn't even notice the tears streaming down her face.

"You could have looked better, you could have saved my parents! You let them die!"

Both of them knew that Ahri didn't mean what she was saying but Ahri couldn't stop herself and Minho couldn't help but feel hurt by it.

"Your brother pulled me to you. You collapsed right in my arms, Ahri! You were bleeding to death, what could I have possibly done? I was alone, I needed to call an ambulance, i needed to stop your bleeding or yyou would have died!" Minho didn't mean to raise his voice but he was so frustrated and hurt.

"You should have let me die!"

Both of them froze after Ahri's outburst and only stared at each other. "No, don't say that" Minho whispered, shutting his eyes tightly.

"I should go" Ahri got out and started slowly walking backwards - away from Minho.

"Please, Ahri" Minho took a few steps towards her but seeing that Ahri almsot seemed frightened, he stilled. "Please don't go now" He almost pleaded and Ahri took a shuddering breath at the sight of the broken Minho in front of her.

"I'm sorry but I'll go now. We can talk later okay?" Minho could only nod as he watched Ahri leave.

His plan of asking her to be his girlfriend didn't work out like he thought.


~we gotta spice things up a little, don't we? :)

~until next chapter

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