Chapter 28

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~three years later~

"Last day of elementary school!" Jonghun cheered as he got into Ahri's car. The summer holiday's were just around the corner and the little family was more than happy with a little free time, especially because Minho would have more time in his schedule to even take them on a small trip.

"Is Minmin coming over tonight?" Miga asked, kicking her feet happily. Miga formed quite the dislike towards school in her first year but today she proudly told Ahri that she made a deal with the universe to survive school.

"Even better sweetie, we are meeting him at a diner later. You know the one across the street where we always wanted to go to?" The kids nodded excitedly and started chattering about what to wear.

Ever since Ahri transferred to Yonsei college things have been going upwards. She had less money-worries and Minho was still supporting her and the kids. Her friendship with both Jungwon and Sooyeon became stronger and Sora of course has been with her as well.

On top of that nothing more could be said about Minho and Ahri except that they were happy. Three years after their announcement everyone had either accepted their relationship or didn't care about it enough anymore.

Straykids were doing what they've always been doing - collecting awards and Stay's hearts all over the world. Ahri was never really jealous when it came to Stay and Minho but he respected the boundaries she did set.

After the semester break Ahri only had one more semester to go before her final exams. Meanwhile she quit her job at the library and the bar and started working in the hospital as a help-out. The pay there was definitely better and while the work was hard she had more time to spent with her siblings now.

"What are we doing for the holidays?" Soori asked, tilting his head cutely. "Well, we will visit the Choi's often or go to the park or you could meet up with your friends" Ahri suggested while parking the car in front of the apartment they've been living in for the past three years.

"But all my friends are going on vacation! Why don't we go on vacation?" Soori pouted but soon stopped because his older brother hit the back of his head. "Don't be this ungrateful! We will just enjoy the time as a family. No need to go on vacation!" Jonghun protested and took a smaller bag of groceries out of the car while Ahri took the rest.

"Right, I'm sorry Ahri. I didn't mean to be ungrateful, I'm happy spending my time with you here." Soori apologised and took Miga's hand to lead her up the stairs.

"It's all good Soo, we will find other fun things to do here" Ahri called after him before turning to Jonghun, "thank you little one, I must give credit to myself, I raised you well."

The now ten year old smiled proudly at the indirect praise and hurried up the stairs after his younger siblings.

It has now been six years since their parents died and even Miga is old enough now to more or less understand what happened. It wasn't the biggest part of their thoughts anymore and while Miga and Soori where calling Ahri by her name everyone knew they were thinking of her as more like a mum.

That was prooven when Soori referred to Ahri and Minho as mum and dad to the parents of his friend just a while ago. Minho loved the kids just as much and was happy they accepted him into their family this fast.

Right now it was time for the family to leave as Minho had texted that he would catch up with them at the restaurant.

"Let's go guys, we have a reservation to catch!" Ahri announced and was met with a lot of giggling when Miga entered the room. Her cheeks were a deep red and there was also red lipgloss smeared next to her lips.

"Did you use my make-up?" Ahri raised an eyebrow, approaching her sister.

"no..."MIga giggled but stood still to let Ahri fix her smeared lipgloss and lesses the blush on her cheeks. "now we are good to go!"

"You're silly" Jonghun chuckled and ruffled his sisters hair, "You're silly!!" She talked back but still followed him.

"Where is Minmin?" Soori asked, holding onto one of Ahri's hands. "He is already there, waiting for us so we better not let him wait too long."

After a short walk they reached the diner and spotted Minho, sitting in a corner on the left. "Hey guyyys" He stood up and picked the three of them up and congratulated them for doing well this school year.

"Hello to you too gorgeous" He approached Ahri and gently kissed her, "Hi, I missed you."

"I missed you too, you've been in the US for too long. You're lucky Miga remembers how you look like."

"Very funny, we had a video call almost every day but yeah, I'm also glad to be back here with you. Now everyone sit down and choose something from the menu, it's on me!"

They happily ordered their food and Ahri was fully content now that she could be in Minho's arms again.

"So, I have a proposal for you-"Minho started but was cut off by Jonghun, "You're supposed to propose to only Ahri, not all of us, silly." The two eldest blushed deeply but Minho continued with his small speech, "As I was saying, before I was so cutely interrupted, how does a weekend trip to Jeju sound to you?"

"Yess please! I mean I don't need a vacation but it would be a nice add-on" Soori said, glancing at Jonghun to make sure his brother approved of what he was saying.

Ahri meanwhile had widened eyes and stared at her boyfriend with a shocked expression.

"I already got everything booked, I asked Sora to make sure you all had time next weekend" Minho grinned and turned to Ahri to place a kiss on the still frozen girl's forehead.

"I can't let you pay that much! I know how much it is for five people!" Ahri whisper-yelled but her siblings wouldn't hear her anyway because they were still cheering and stuffing themselves with food.

"In that case, it's not for you. I bought it for myself and wish for my family to be with me" Minho smirked and placed his hand on Ahri's cheek, "Please don't worry about it gorgeous, I want to spoil you, all of you deserve it. And honestly the last time you had a vacation was when you met me. So, vacations bring good things!"

Minho leaned forward to kiss Ahri to rid her of any more worries. "They're kissing!" Miga's voice pulled them back and they pulled apart smiling at each other before turning to the kids.

"So it's settled?" Minho asked again and this time Ahri nodded shyly.

"Well then, dig in kids, we're going on vacation!"

~so I didn't manage to update last week but I hope it will me more frequent from now on

~until next chapter

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