Chapter 11

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"Sooo..? How did it go for you?" Ryujin asked Ahri while the two left the lecture hall. They had just handed in their first of three exams on this mid-semester evaluation. Thee were both in their fourth semester of being in med-school. Just eight more to go.

"I mean I could have studied more but for my amount it was alright. You?" Ryujin just looked at her with pursed lips and grimaced. Ahri knew not to ask more, she honestly never understood why Ryujin even started studying medicine - this girl would have been a born designer or something of that sort.

"Let's go to the cafe. It's on me! I have so much to te-" Ahri looked confused as to why her friend suddenly stopped talking but only found her staring past her.

"What are you looking - Oh" A huge film crew walked through the hallways and none other than eight certain boys followed them.

"I forgot! It was mentioned in the last council meeting! Straykids will give a mini concert today to honor the university's 50 year anniversary" Ryunjin was extremely excited and jumped up and down, "Since Dowon is sick, I'm in charge of the committee today so I need to greet our guests. And you are coming with me!"

Before Ahri had time to protest, she was pulled by Ryujin towards the crowd.

"Hi sorry, please let me through" Ryujin navigated the two through all the people that blocked their way.

"Hi, I'm Shin Ryujin. I'm Kim Dowon's substitute, you talked with him on the phone" She started talking to one of the guys that Ahri recognized as StrayKids's manager, "Please followe me."

Ryujin was a very straight forward person so she simply turned around - her fingers still locked around Ahri's wrist - and expected everyone to follow her. They quickly reached the building where all the performing arts were tought.

They settled in the theater and Ryujin started explaining the necessities with a staff member while they waited for the head teacher of the performing arts to arrive.

"Hi" A soft voice was suddenly heard behind Ahri so she whipped her head around to see Minho smiling gently at her. He opened his arms slightly, signaling Ahri to hug him. The latter quickly glanced around but after seeing that everyone was minding their own business, she wrapped her arms around Minho's waist.

Minho pulled the girl closer and burried his face in her hair, satisfied to have her in his arms again. If you would have told him a few months ago that he would long to feel someone's body against his again, he would have shook his head and laughed at you. But look at him now.

"I didn't know you were performing here" Ahri said after they pulled away - creating a bit more distance between them to not draw unwanted attention.

"I didn't know this was a part of your uni or I would've told you. But I'm glad I'm here now. It's so good to actually see you. I mean I would've wished for it to be a bit more private but we'll make it work I guess" He grinned innocently and only whined when Ahri hit his arm.

"Sorry to interrupt but can we go to get some food real quick" Changbin asked their manager just a few metres from Ahri and Minho.

"I mean we still have a lot to set up so sure. Do you remember the way to the cafe at the entrance?" Their manger responded.

"Yeah, su- Ow" Changbin groaned and looked at Minho confusedly because the latter had just stepped on his foot.

"The campus is quite big so I think to make sure we don't get lost someone who know the way around should go with us. You maybe?" He asked and directed the last part towards Ahri. Just then the other members actually noticed her and a knowing grin formed on Changbin's face.

The manager just agreed and turned back to another staff member to discuss something.

"Well, then let's go" With that Minho grabbed Ahri's wrist and pulled her along. When they were out of the theater hall and walking through the empty hallways he let his hand slip down to her hand and interwined their fingers.

"I didn't know you go here Ahri! It's good to see you again" Chan said and everyone agreed. Well Hyunjin didn't only agree, he also pulled Ahri into a surprising hug and squeezed her tight. Minho still didn't let go of Ahri's hand and only glared at Hyunjin who quickly backed away when he saw the older's gaze.

Minho was disappointed when Ahri let go of his hand as soon as they reached the busier part of campus but he knew it was for the best.

"Everyone order something, I'll pay" Chan said and Ahri smiled at the proof of Chan being Straykids's wallet, "Ahri do you also want something? No nevermind that question, what do you want? I'm getting you something, no protests!"

A lot of students stared at the group, phones out and filming but surprisingly no one tried to invade their personal space. Chan handed Ahri a coffee and a muffin she didn't order but his stern gaze told her just to accept it.

"Let's head back now. I still have responsibilty over you kids" Chan announced and everyone followed him like little ducklings follow their mum.

"Do you have time tonight?" Minho whispered to Ahri after they passed the crowd again.

"I have to work, sorry, but I have actual time Friday in three weeks. Sora could watch after the kids, I would already be finished with exams and it's my day off" Ahri smiled brightly, happy to tell Minho about her free time. But the latter got sad when he realised how little time the girl must have for herself. He was happy nevertheless that she decided to spent that little time with him but made a mental note to help the little family out as much as he could.

"Okay, I'm free then too. I can't wait for our date" With a grin he skipped ahead and left a flustered Ahri behind.

Ahri stood next to Ryujin again who smirked at her like she knew something but Ahri considered her not yet close enough to tell her about the thing going on with Minho. She just ignored the grin and looked over at Minho who was already looking back at her.

He smiled and winked before turning back to Jisung - he knew exactly what he was doing to Ahri and he loved it.

Well, neither of them could wait for their date (in three weeks). Minho thought that it might be the right time to ask how she was standing in their relationship right now - and then, maybe ask her to officially be his girlfriend. Now everything just had to work for their date to finally take place.


~I'm so sorry that the chapters get shorter everytime but I need a few fillers (and I have neither the time nor ideas to make them creative)

~until next chapter

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