Chapter 2

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"I don't know if I'm able to do this!" Ahri whined but didn't have much say in that matter because Sora was pulling her along.

"You are acting like you are going to die!"
"Well, I definitely feel like I am!"

Sora stopped to turn towards her, now taking both of Ahri's hands in hers. "It will be alright, okay? I'm almost 100% sure Hyunjin will recognize us and even if he doesn't - then it is his loss. Then you will just enjoy your time with Straykids of whom we both have been fans since their debut."

Ahri just nodded after Sora finished her motivation talk and they continued their walk down the stairs of the hotel. To the both of theirs surprise the location the meet&greet would be at was at the hotel they were staying at.

It of course turned Ahri's nervousness up as it was quite obvious that Straykids were staying in the exact same hotel.

When they reached the room that was given to them via Email this morning, a man at the door demanded to see their tickets.

No one was inside yet but that was because Sora needed to set up her whole filming equipment first.
They would - together with the members of Straykids- join the trend of truth or drink.

The drink in this case was pure Ingwer shots instead of alcohol.
A lot of Sora's fans were already looking forward to this special video and had asked questions about SKZ in her latest Instagram story.

Ahri wasn't much of a help getting everything ready as she was a fiddling nervous mess.

"They are here" The man from earlier announced and first a few staff members entered the room, shortly followed by the one and only Bangchan.

Luckily the staff members went towards the corner and gave the others a bit of privacy at their first meeting.

"You must be Sora and you Ahri. Nice to meet you!" Bangchan started and went over to hug both girls shortly.

One after the other they greeted the six present members.

"I'm sorry, Hyunjin and Minho are running late. They'll be here any second" Chan apologised on behalf of his members, wondering where the hell those two got lost on their way from the toilet.

Speaking of the devil, both lost members entered the room.

"Hi, sorry we are late. We got lost on the way here. Anyways nice to meet- wait, Ahri?!?"

Hyunjin froze in his movements and stared at the girl in front of them.
Ahri wasn't much better as she only muttered a small 'hi'.

"Yes, Hyunjin. Nice to see you again. Glad you remember us. Can you guys like hug now so we can start? I'm sure you'll have some time later to catch up" Sora smiled innocently but the two actually followed her instructions.

Hyunjin was quick to take a few steps and wrap his arms around his old best friend - not having heard from her in years.

After that he also quickly pulled Sora into a side hug. Those two were never really close, only knowing each other through Ahri.

Ahri quickly moved over to Minho to also greet him but was surprised when the latter didn't answer her.

"You okay?" She asked, snapping Minho out of his thoughts. He didn't know what had happened but he could swear he had seen the girl in front of him before - he just couldn't pinpoint when and where.

"Yeah sorry. I'm Minho, nice to meet you."

"Sadly, this is already the end of our special episode ... "

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