Chapter 21

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"You'll see, this trip is going to be amazing" Jungwon grinned and looked over to Ahri who sat on the passenger seat of his car.

The girl smiled lightly and turned her head towards the window but she couldn't deny that Jungwon's giddiness and excitement wasn't contagious.

Jungwon had picked her up earlier in the morning and after a stop for breakfast- which Jungwon insisted on- they had now almost reached their destination.

Yonsei University was coming up and Ahri stared out of the window in awe.
Memories of the last time she visited this place washed over her and she quickly had to wipe a single tear away.

"You know that it's okay to feel nostalgic" Jungwon spoke up and hesitantly placed his hand on her shoulder.

Ahri smiled thankfully at him but decided to stay quiet, not yet trusting her voice.

They parked the car and got out, walking towards the huge building.
"I'm not sure if I should really go in" Ahri hesitated and stopped in front of the staircase.

"It'll be great, trust me" Jungwon said and reached for her hand.
Ahri looked down at their intertwined hands and took a deep breath.

Slowly she pulled back her hand and took the first few steps before turning back, "Well are you coming or not?"


"I have my interview in a few minutes. You could take a walk around the place or just wait outside, it shouldn't take too long" Jungwon suggested as the two came to a hold in front of a old-ish looking door.

"I think I'll take a stroll, just call me when you're finished. Good luck, you got this!" Ahri pulled him into a short hug but pulled away when she noticed Jungwon pulling her closer.

She definitely had to talk to him about that later on.

After Jungwon disappeared behind that door Ahri walked up the stairs, following a sign that was supposedly leading her to the library. Since the time had not hit noon yet, most students were still in class so Ahri wasn't surprised to find the library almost empty.

She walked past the tall shelves and let ther finger wander over the books, this library was minimum the doubled size of the one in her college. She took out some random book that - according to the cover at least - had something to to with surgery but it was a few years ahead of Ahri's class.

She sat down in one of the armchairs and opened the book, simply browsing through it and learning about this new form of surgery that involved AI.

"Did you just transfer here? I haven't seen you around before" A voice suddenly snapped Ahri out of her trance and she looked up to see a girl - propably slightly older than her - standing in fornt of her.

"No sorry, I don't go here. I'm just accompaning a friend who has an interview today" She answered and closed the book after quickly memorizing which page she was on.

"Oh that's a shame. My name is Sooyeon by the way, fifth class med student. Great taste in books may I add" She chuckled and let herself fall into the armchair across the one Ahri was seated in.

"Ahri" The latter mumbled shyly, not quite knowing how to strike a conversation while she felt out of place.

"No need to be shy around me, I just love talking to new people" The older girl said and kept smiling brightly, "Would you like to get coffee while we wait for your friend?"

Ahri looked a bit unsure, her eyes flickering from the book in her hands to the girl in fornt of her.

"Just take it with you and bring it back once you read it" Sooyeon noticed the girl's gaze so she was quick to come up with a solution.

"Can I do that? I mean I don't even go here", Ahri really didn't want to get on anyone's bad side, especially not if it meant possibly ruining Jungwon's chances of being accepted here.

"Well you can't but I can. So take it, I'm craving coffee" Sooyeon stood up and expectingly waited for Ahri to follow her. Hesistantly the girl put the book into her bag and followed the other out of the library. On their way out Sooyeon called out that she was taking the book to the librarian who only nodded and typed something into their computer.

"We have a cafeteria here, with free food and drinks for all students during classes. It's open from 8 to 16 o'clock but the library opens two hours earlier and doesn't close until 8pm..." Sooyeon kept talking about the university while Ahri had troubles keeping up with her.

Soon they reached an outdoor terrace which lead to the indoor cafe. Ahri looked around in awe, everything seemed even more impressive than the last time she was there.

"So are you also a med student?" Sooyeon asked after she typed in her order, "Before you answer that, what would you like?"

"Oh no I'm fine" Ahri tried to decline but Sooyeon shot her a disapproving look. "I'm gonna stop you right there, please choose something. And don't feel bad, I don't even have to pay for it."

Ahri chose a simple coffee, not wanting to overdo it.

After the girls sat down on one of the lounges, Sooyeon repeated her question from earlier. "Oh yea I am. But I go to Chongshin University and I'm only in my third year."

"But you have a friend that wants to go here right? Why did you come along? Just for emotional support?" Sooyeon smiled as if she knew the real reason behind Ahri's presence. "Honestly back in school this was my dream university, I guess I just wanted to see why again."

"Why didn't you?" Sooyeon asked, voice turning a bit more quiet and serious. "Official answer, I just didn't apply, it didn't feel right anymore and of course I had to rethink it money-wise. Honest answer, I was scared of failing or in general not being accepted."

Ahri truly didn't know why she told all of that to a girl she just met but Sooyeon somehow made her feel comfortable and understood.

"Ah, I see how it is. But if you ask me, a reason like that will make you regret your decision later. Honestly I didn't want to come here as well first but now that I'm here I know I would have regretted not choosing to go this path."

Sooyeon stopped her little speech and Ahri just looked at her, not sure how to react because laughing and crying seemed to be valid options.

"It's too late now anyways." She mumbled instead and drank the last sip form her coffee.

"It's never too late my dear~" Sooyeon sang and took Ahri's cup to bring it back. The latter just followed her but before she was able to say anything else, her phone rung.

She quickly answered and let Jungwon know that she would meet him at the car in just a few minutes and he should tell her everything in detail then.

"It's my friend, I gotta go but thank you for today, it was nice meeting you" Ahri was about to leave when she remembered something, "What about the book?"

Sooyeon had already taken out her phone and handed it to the clueless girl, "Just give me your number and contact me whenever you want. May it be to give the book back or any other reason. It was nice meeting you as well."

Sooyeon pulled her into a quick hug before skipping away, leaving Ahri smiling slightly.

Minho was right, you never know what could possibly happen.


~that's it for today's chapter

~until next chapter

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