Chapter 13

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"So, Mr. Minho, what are dour intentions with my sister?" Jonghun asked the questions all the dads in TV shows asked.

"Well, ah, to make her happy?" Minho asked dumbfounded. When Ahri told him the ages of her siblings he didn't expect questions like this.

"Hmm" Jonghun squinted his eyes and looked up at the other suspiciously, "okay, I'll give you a chance."

Minho again didn't know what to respond to that but the giggle of a second child saved him.

He looked into that direction and saw Ahri standing in the doorway with a young boy grabbing her hand tightly.

"Hi" The girl said shyly and walked over to Minho. Soori now grabbed onto Jonghun's hand instead while Ahri pulled Minho into a hug.

When they pulled away Ahri noticed how dressed up Minho was and a wave of guilt hit her again.

"Where is Sora?" Minho asked as he didn't saw the girl around.
"She broke her arm, sir" Jonghun answered politely.

"Change of plans?" Ahri chuckled awkwardly and Minho immediately noticed the guilt in her eyes.

"Why? What happened?" He reached to take Ahri's hand in his - under the suspicions eye of two young boys.

"Well, as Soori said, Sora broke her arm and Miga got the flue so I can't leave her alone. I'm so sorry but I guess we have to reschedule?" Only now did Minho notice Ahri's reddened eyes, indicating that she had cried.

"That's okay. I understand. Please don't ever feel guilty for something like this" Minho reassured when he saw tears welling up in the girl's eyes again.

"Hug her!" Soori pushed his leg and the two adults had to laugh but gladly followed Soori's wish.

"I like him" Soori whispered to his brother while watching his sister melt into the man's embrace. His brother nodded but made sure to still keep an eye on the guy. Even though he was only seven, he was kinda protective of his older sister.

"How about we just stay here for our date? I could cook something" Minho suggested, proud of himself for coming up with such a great idea.

"Yes!" Soori exclaimed and started jumping up and down.
"Sure, I would love that" Ahri said and smiled at Minho.

"Sir, can I show you my toys?" Soori asked when he came jumping back to the group.
"Yeah sure, and please just call me Minho."

"Okay, you can call me Soori" With that Soori took Minho's hand and dragged him to the couch.
"Jonghun, help me get the stuff out!"

Jonghun looked a little lost but Ahri gave him a nod to show him that it was okay to bring everything he just stored away back in.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? I mean, I'm sure you imagined our first date to go a bit different" Ahri asked, taking her seat next to Minho on the couch.

"When I said that I want to meet your family I meant it. I love this, a lazy evening with the girl I like and her family" Minho smirked when he saw Ahri's flushed cheeks but in that moment the boys came back out of the room with a box full of toys.

"This is Mr. Bean" Soori explained and held up a plush dog with glasses.
"Why is his name Mr.Bean?" Minho asked curious.

"Dad named him. His childhood show was Mr. Bean" Ahri answered when Soori didn't seem to be able to answer Minho's question.

"Oh! We need to play Family!" Soori exclaimed and rushed back into his room.
"Soori loves playing that ever since a kid in his daycare brought it up. I'm always the uncle" Jonghun explained to Minho as if the latter would totally understand what he is talking about.

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