Chapter 33

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"It's your big day!" Sora exclaims excitedly while Ahri only turned around in her bed, too sleepy to care for her best friend just yet, "Now sleepy head, no time to laze around. We have to make you look the most beautiful you have ever been."

"The wedding isn't until 2pm why are you botherind me at 6am?" Ahri mumbled and moved the duvet over her head in oder to have a shield against the sunlight.
"Sorry to correct you sweetie, but it's already 8 so I suggest you getting up about now!"

Ahri immediately sat up, hopelessly trying to tame her bed hair, "Why didn't you say that earlier? I thought we still had more time!" Laughing, Sora rushed her friend into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

"I know it's kind of a weird request but I already talked it over with Minho and he is completely fine with it, not that I need his permission but -"

"What is it?" Sora interrupted her and Ahri walked out of the bathroom to take a seat on her bed.

"I want to visit my parent's grave wearing my wedding dress."


"Are you on your way yet? I can't wait to see you and finally marry you" Minho spoke through the phone while Ahri was on her way to Sora's car to drive to her parents grave.

"I can't wait either, I'm driving to my parent's grave now and the ceremony is only at 2pm. You'll have to be a little more patient" Ahri giggled slightly and looked at herself in the mirror of their hallway. "Do you think my parents would have been proud seeing me in my wedding dress? I know mum always talked about how I would be the prettiest bride ever." Ahri wiped away the single tear running down her cheek and internally thanked Sora for only giving her waterproof make-up.

"Of course they are proud, wherever they are right now. Everyone else in your life is just as proud, my mother actually called me this morning and it felt like she was more excited to see you than me." The two laughed for a moment and then basked in the comfortabel silence. Before any of them could say anything else, Sora barged into the room.

"Hey! No talking until the official ceremony!" She playfully scolded and reached her hand out for Ahri to place her phone there.

"Well I have to go Minho. I love you, see you soon."
"I love you too, so much. The next time I see you, you will be walking down the aisle. I can't wait, gorgeous."

With that the call ended and Ahri handed her phone over to Sora who tucked it away safely in her bag. Then she took Ahri's hand in hers and led the latter down the stairs.

It was only a rather short drive to the cementary and Sora suggested to wait in the car to give Ahri some alone time. The kids were with Sora's parents again who would then bring them to the ceremony so they could take their part as flower boy and girl and as for Jonghun he would have the honor of leading Ahri down the aisle.

"Hi mum, hi dad" Ahri greeted and placed fresh flowers in front of the gravestone.

"I know I haven't been visisting as often but that was because of the wedding preparation and my new job but I'm here now" Ahri looked down at the boots that definitely did not fit the dress and Sora had found a way to hold the dress up so it wouldn't be dragged across the ground.

"How do I look?" Ahri shyly asked and did a little spin, not minding how ridiculous she might look to passbyers. "I actually can't believe I am getting married today, it somehow feels surreal. You already met Minho a few times and I can promise you he is the one for me so you don't need to worry about me anymore. As for the little ones, Minho has filed for adoption a few weeks ago and we are just waiting for everything to be checked before he officially becomes their legal guardian alongside me."

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