Chapter 10

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Ahri was still sitting against the wall when a car stopped in front of her and a guy got out.

"Hey, Ahri, I'm here now" Jungwon kneeled down in front of her and hesitantly took one of her hands in his.

"What happened?" He asked gently, tucking away the hair that stuck on Ahri's face.

"Jonghun has a fever. We need to pick him up" Ahri let herself be pulled up and guided to the passenger seat of the van.

Jungwon knew that more had happened but he wasn't going to pressure the girl into saying more.

"I would have never expected you to call me again" He spoke up after starting the car.

"Well you weren't my first choice" Ahri said, having calmed down from her breakdown and now being able to thing straight again.

"I'm sorry Ahri. For everything really but most of all for leaving you. I was a stupid and immature child back then and when I realised how much of a jerk I was to you, I've never felt so guilty."

Ahri knew that his words were sincere but still he had left her the moment everything went to shit in her life. The moment she needed someone by her side the most. That wasn't so easily forgiven.

Jungwon sighed but he wasn't surprised that Ahri didn't answer him. Instead he simply drove towards Jonghun's school.

"You can just stay in the car while I get him" With that Ahri was out of the car and Jungwon tapped the wheel impatiently.

He hadn't seen the little guy in three years and he was looking forward to seeing him again.

A few minutes later Ahri came back outside, carrying a small boy in her arms.

Jungwon immediately stood up and went to open the door for them.

"Ahri, why is he here?" Jonghun asked but it was clear his fever had an impact on his senses.

"He will drive us home, pumpkin. There you can rest okay?"

Jonghun nodded weakly against her chest while his sister buckled him up.

"Thanks again for driving us" Ahri said after the car started.

"It's fine really. Where is your car by the way? Should I drive you there to pick it up?"

"Thanks for the offer but I can't leave Jonghun alone. We will survive without a car for a day and then I could ask Sora to get it with me. I don't want to bother you even more."

Jungwon wanted to reassure here that it would be no problem but if he really wanted to win her back, he needed to take things slow in order not to overwhelm her.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there to pick Jonghun up" Minho apologised. He was on a call with Ahri who felt like she needed to hear the boy's voice if she didn't want to break down again.

It really calmed her down and she started thinking more rationally again. She only mentioned to Minho that an old Highschool friend picked her up because she didn't want to make things more complicated by saying it was her ex.

She knew Minho would understand but she also knew he would feel even more guilty for not being there.

"Just one more week right? Then you can meet them" Ahri smiled but frowned when she saw Minho's smile disappearing.

"Actually I won't be able to visit you right away, we have a tough filming schedule the first days we get back. But then we get a week off so I'll be able to spend a lot of time with you!"

Ahri didn't have the heart to tell him she only had the two days off of work right after Minho landed and then would have to go back to her busy college-work-schedule.

There would be almost no time for them to spend quality time together but she was positive that they would somehow manage.
Well now she could at least use those free days to get some studying done.

"It feels weird to say this because we've only known each other for a short amount of time but I really miss you" Ahri said and her cheeks turned red.

"It's not weird at all because I miss you too. A lot actually" Minho smiled at her, imagining how it would be to lay beside her right now in each other's arms and kissing her lips from time to time.

The members always teased him when he spaced out those past weeks because they knew who he was thinking of.

"Would you like to go on a date when I'm back?" Minho suddenly asked and the flustered look on Ahri's face told him she was just as surprised as he was by his own question.

"Yeah sure. But a real date, not just you meeting my siblings. As much as I love them, they tend to make dates less romantic- I'm speaking from experience."

"Sure, just the two of us. You deserve a night out and I want to surprise you" On Minho's side of the phone someone called his name and he sent Ahri an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry Ahri, I need to go. Take care" Before Ahri had time to respond the call had ended.

She flopped face down onto her bed but the second her body hit the comfortable mattress, the doorbell rung.

"I'm coming!"

She rushed towards the door and was met with Jungwon's awkward smile.

"You forgot Jonghun's backpack in my car" He handed over the blue whale backpack Jonghun adored oh so much.

"Isn't it time to pick up the other two?" Jungwon asked, scratching his neck shyly.

Ahri had already thought about how she was going to pick up the other two from daycare if she couldn't leave Jonghun alone.

"Actually, now that you're here, could you look after Jonghun for a short while. Just for me to pick them up" Ahri might still hold a grudge against the man in front of her but he literally was her only option right now.

"Yeah sure, I'd love to."

"Perfect" With that Ahri grabbed the car keys Jungwon held up and rushed down the stairs.
Jonghun was sleeping right now and she hoped to be back before he wakes up.

Jungwon was a bit confused at her rush disappearance but he meant what he said. He would love to help the little family out, he needed to make up for the pain he caused Ahri three years ago.

Not even an hour later Ahri was back with Miga and Soori behind her. She sighed in relief when she saw that Jonghun was just now starting to wake up.

"Thank you so much for looking after him. And for picking us up earlier" Ahri hugged Jungwon in her rush of gratitude.

"Ahri, I'm hungry" Soori whined and pulled his older sister by the hand towards the kitchen.

Ahri looked into the fridge and then slapped her forhead. In all the hectic today she had forgotten to go to the store. Maybe her siblings would be fine with semi-hard bread and a quarter of a cheese slice.

Jungwon noticed what was happening and immediately felt bad for Ahri and what she had to deal with every day.

"How about I order take out for you guys?" He offered and smiled when Miga's eyes started sparkling.

"Yes please!"

"I can't let you do that. You have already done so much for us today" Ahri declined although she hated disappointing Miga.

"But I want to. It's really not a problem" Jungwon reassured, taking a step forward but backing out of his plan to take Ahri's hand.

"Okay fine but then at least have dinner together with us."

~I have the basic construct of this story planned but I'm lacking ideas for the in-between parts so if you guys have something in mind let me know

~until next chapter

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