Chapter 17

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Hyunjin had stayed with the little family for a while but Ahri refused to tell him what had happened. The last thing he did was order some more food for them to have for dinner before he turned towards the door.

"Thank you Hyunjin" He heard a small voice say behind him and he turned around only to embrace the girl in a tight hug.

"I don't know what happened but I'm sure you and Minho will work it out. I feel like you two are truly made for each other" He kissed the top of her head and pulled away when he felt Ahri laughing slightly.

"Thank you Jinnie, really. You don't know how much it means to me that you are here for us."

"Of course, always." With another wave towards the kids Hyunjin left the flat, determined to talk to Minho about whatever had happened.

Of course Ahri's siblings had alos noticed their sister's mood change so they decided to cuddle her as soon as she sat down on the couch. Ahri laughed and pressed a kiss to everyone's head before starting a cartoon her siblings were obsessed with.

While the kids were focusing on Ahri's laptop the latter took out her phone and sent a quick message to Minho.

< I have to work tomorrow but you could come to the bar so we could talk?

> I'll be there <3

Ahri stared at her phone for a moment before deciding to let her mind rest for the rest of the day. She was aware that she had said some hurtful things to Minho and wanted to apologize for them. But for now she was still too worked up and talking to Minho right now could risk her saying dumb things again. And she didn't want to deepen the wound she had possibly torn in Minho's heart.


"Okay so there is this hottie asking for you outside" Ahri's co-worker Jinnie said and wiggled her eyebrows. Ahri was honestly glad that Jinnie didn't recognize Minho - or maybe she did but decided to ignore it.

"Can you send him here?" Ahri asked shyly and Jinnie skipped away again. A few moments later the door to the kitchen was opened again. It wasn't really a kitchen but more a place were small snacks could be prepared for customers.

"Hi" Minho said and was surprised when Ahri came up to him to pull him into a hug. "I'm sorry for all the things I said yesterday. Of course it isn't your fault that my parents died, I don't know why I even said that."

Minho smiled softly and carressed her back, "It's okay, I know you didn't mean it. I'm just glad you're okay again."

Minho pulled away from their hug and placed his hands gently on Ahri's face instead.

"Thank you, I don't know how I could ever repay you" Minho immediately pressed a kiss against her lips when those words left her mouth.

"Don't think about repaying me, just let me be there for you and the kids, That's all I want" Minho stared deeply into her eyes but the sadness and slight terror that was in them yesterday had vanished and was replaced with fondness.

"I love you" He whispered against Ahri's lips and his heart swelled when her lips pulled into a gentle smile.

"I love you too, now kiss me you fool" Minho did nothing happier than compliyng her command. This kiss felt different but at the same time so familiar to all the previous times they had kissed.

When they pulled away - after quite a long time may I add - they stared lovingly at each other but then started laughing softly. "You don't know how happy I am right now." Minho muttered and hugged the girl tighter.

"So, are you like my boyfriend now?" Ahri asked, feeling giddy inside. "If you want me to, yes." Minho smiled and as an answer Ahri pulled him in for another kiss.

"Ahri! We open in- Oh sorry guys, didn't mean to disturb you but Ahri is needed now" Jinnie smiled at the couple that only smiled awkwardly with a heavy blush decorating both of their cheeks - and Minho's ears.

"I'll be there in a moment." Jinnie nodded and went back to the front room.

"Well, you heard her, I gotta go back to work. Call you later?" Ahri asked fiddling with Minho's hands.

"Of course, have a nice evening. I love you" Minho pressed a kiss to her temple and then stepped back to leave.

"I love you" Ahri called after him and Minho turned around once more to stare at her with a bright smile before finally leaving under the judging eyes of Jinnie.


"So my little troublemakers!" Sora called out when she entered Ahri's flat. Ahri had to leave on short notice for an appointment at her college and Sora - being the best best friend she is - offered to come over for a while.

Ahri had already left when Sora arrived and so she only found three children sitting on the floor, staring up at her with expectant eyes. When Sora came over it always meant that they would get to know more (unnecessary) things.

"Do you guys like Minho?" She jumped right into the conversation - not even surprised anymore that a seven and five year old could hold better conversations than her 13 year old cousin.

"I like Mr. Minho. He is very nice to us and Ahri" Jonghun answered while sitting next to Sora to stare at her arm tatoos like always. "He brought us snacks!" Soori exclaimed and giggled loudly.

"And how would you like it if Minho would be here more often?" After Sora had heard from Ahri that they were now officialy a couple, she had already made plans to intergoate her siblings. She knew that Ahri would be hesistant to tell them, especially after the comment Jonghun made when she broke up with Jake.

"No more boys Ahri! I want it just to be the four of us and not another attention stealer!"

Ahri had admitted to her best friend that she didn't know how her siblings would react or if they would accept Minho as a father role. Now Sora had to make sure to put the kids in a trial to find out their opinions.

"I like his singing" Miga shyly admitted and fiddled with the strands of her dress.

"I want him to be like a dad for us" Sora almost didn't catch what Jonghun mumbled but her heart swelled at the boys hopeful eyes, "The other kids sometimes tease me for not having someone like a father."

"Oh hunnie" Sora pulled the boy onto her lap because he looked so sad and devastated that she didn't know what else to do.

"But Minho already said that he would be there for us!" Soori spoke up and pulled his little sister by the hand to joing the cuddle pile.

"He will, I'm sure of that."


"Ahri, you have to tell them what kind of role Minho plays in your life now" Sora told her as soon as she came back. The kids were alredy tucked in their beds so the flat was quiet for once.

"But what if they don't want him? What if they think that I will care for them less just because I now also have Minho to care for?" Ahri let herself fall onto the couch, rubbing her eyes where the exhaustion was clearly visible.

"I talked to them today. Even Jonghun said that he wished for MInho to stay in his life - preferably as a father figure" Sora stood behind the couch and massaged Ahri's shoulders.

"Okay, I'll tell them tomorrow. Minho planned to invite us all for dinner this Saturday so I would have to tell them sooner or later either way. For now I just want to go to bed. Thank you for coming over."

"No problem. You can count on me, especially when it comes to the kids and from what I've heard, you now can count on Minho too."


~I'm sorry for not posting last week. I've been sick for over a week now and today is the first day my fever went down and I remembered that I had this chapter pre-written
~again, I don't know when I'll be able to update next because school is starting on Monday (and I'm still sick) so I won't have that much time, I'll try my best though

~until next chapter

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