Chapter 22

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"So altogether I think it went pretty well. What did you do in the meantime?" Jungwon asked as they drove back home, Ahri declining his offer to grab something to eat.

It wasn't like she didn't like being around Jungwon but she needed to have a conversation about that before. She couldn't have him thinking that she wanted to get back together.

"I met a someone, Sooyeon. She is really nice and we exchanged numbers" Ahri answered and quickly typed to Minho that she was on the way home.

Minho had a day off today and insisted on bringing and picking the kids up from school and daycare.

"I hope you had a good time because I'm thankful that you were there. I think I would've been way more nervous otherwise" Jungwon smiled brightly at her but Ahri could only slightly smile back at him.

She had hoped to find a friend again in Jungwon she didn't want to crush his hopes so she could only hope Jungwon's affection was meant in a platonic way.

They were just around the block from Ahri's flat and the girl had laid out various options the upcoming conversation could have in her head. She just hoped Junngwon would reply the way Ahri's imagined Jungwon would. She didn't like real life people not folowing the script she had thought of.

Only after she noticed that Jungwon had already parked the car, she started talking, "Jungwon, I'm really glad we started talking again and that you've been there for me and - "

"I'm glad too, really glad. I know I already apologized for the way things ended but I can't apologize enough. I was a dickhead back then" Jungwon interrupted her and smiled brightly at her.

"That's all in the past now, don't worry but I wanted to talk about something else.." Ahri took a deep breath, it would really be embarassing if she simply read Jungwon's actions the wrong way.

"I-" She was interrupted again but this time not by Jungwon. Well technically still by Jungwon but not because he spoke - he kissed her.

He just kissed her like that, Ahri had been right - he did still want something from her.

Wait- He was kissing her!

As soon as Ahri realised that - she felt stupid for taking so long - she pulled away and pressed her hands against Jungwon's chest to create distance between them.

"No, I don't... Junngwon I'm not looking to get back together with you. I wanted you as a friend I could rely on and besides I am in a relationship."

"oh" Jungwon only responded and Ahri almost felt sorry for rejecting him. "I better go now. Call me sometime so we can talk okay?"

Junwon only nodded absentmindedly and Ahri quickly got out of the car, wanting to escape the uncomfortable tension.

She went up the stairs and her modd was immediatly lifted when she heard Miga's giggles behind the door.

"Hello my sweets" Miga was the first to run up to her with an excited grin. "Look look what Minnie got for us!" She pointed to the floor where several new toys were splayed out.

"That is very nice of him. Did you say thank you?"

"They did, don't worry." Minho stepped into the room, his arms crossed in fornt of his chest with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Is everything alright?" Ahri's voice showed concern as she stepped towards the other. "I should propably go" Came the dry response and if Ahri wasn't sure that something was off she definitely was now.

"hey, talk to me. What happened?" She reached out her hand to place on Minho's shoulder but the latter jerked away, making both of them flinch.

"Can we talk? Please?" Ahri asked worriedly, nodding towards the kitchen, not wanting to include the kids in whatever was going on.

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