Chapter 20

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"It's Jinnie!" Miga yelled when the door bell rang and started running to open the door for him. Sora smiled as she saw the girl happyily welcoming the older male.

"Hey sweetie" She heard from the hallway and soon enough Miga's giggles became louder as they entered the living room where Sora and the two boys were building, or more trying to build, a blanket fort.

"Hi guys, hi Sora" Hyunjin smiled and sat down Miga who ran back over to her brothers, scolding them for using the black blanket instead of the pink fuzzy one.

"Hi, I'm glad you made it. That way my evening defenitely won't be boring" Sora smiled cheekily and Hyunjin only raised his eyebrows, not questioning it further. "My mom made lasagna for us, we just have to heat it up later."

"oOh! I love lasagna!" Jonghun squealed and clapped his hands. "Then let's finish building this fort so we can watch a movie after we eat."


"As much as I love them, I don't know how Ahri manages to do that every day. I have never heard her complain about back pain but I feel like a 80 year old just because I carried Miga up the stairs!" Sora flopped down onto the bed, Hyunjin sitting next to her and draping a blanket that was spared from the fort over them.

"Honestly thank you so much for coming tonight. You weren't just the entertainment factor but actually a good help."

"Were you doubting me Sora?" Hyunjin gasped dramatically and placed his hands over his heart.

"Do you not remember yourself?" Sora laughed but continued explaining after she saw Hyunjin's confused head tilt - which was very cute but Sora would never admit that, "When Soori was just a few months old, we were over at Ahri's for a study session but her mom had to go run some errands so she asked Ahri to look after Soori for a while. Then Ahri asked you to hold Soori while she went to the kitchen but poor Soori started crying - because honestly the hold you had him in had to be anything but comfortable. So when Ahri came back you almost threw Soori at her because you didn't know how to deal with a crying baby."

Sora finished her little story telling proudly and Hyunjin smiled awkwardly, "Well, but I have matured now. I'm good with kids, most of the time and actually just those three - but that's something!"

He threw the pillow at Sora who succesfully cought it and flung it back at him.

"It kinda feels weird imagining Ahri and Minho together. You know, I used to have a crush on Ahri and now one of my best friends is dating her. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them, it's just something I never expected" Hyunjin confessed, gaze focusing on some random spot on the wall.

"Well I guess lately a lot of unexpected things happened" Sora smiled when Hyunjin looked at her with a cocked eyebrow, "I used to dislike you, probably just because I was jealous that Ahri had you as her second best friend, but now I think that you are not that bad."

"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult?"

"No really, I misjudged you back then and I'm sorry for that. You are a good person and Ahri is lucky to have you."

"I guess she is lucky to have the both of us. I mean we are incredible best friends, no one even comes close to us. toast to that!"

Giggling, the two clinked their cups of tea together and fancy-ish drank from them.

"I'm lucky to have you as well" Sora whispered and a rosy dust painted her cheeks.

"Is the Choi Sora confessing that she actually likes me?"

"You're annoying, never mind what I said" Sora huffed and playfully turned away from Hyunjin.

"You know that I always admired you but you gave me the cold shoulder" Hyunjin complained, causing Sora to whine again.

"I already said I'm sorry. Truce? For a new beginning?" She stretched out her hand, waiting for Hyunjin to shake it.

"Not everything is new though. I still admire you" Hyunjin whispered and scooted a little closer to Sora who had her eyes slightly widened.

He let his fingers brush against her outstretched hand, going up her arm and shoulder until they were placed softly against her cheek.

Sora still had her eyes widened and didn't know what to do with herself.

Hyunjin slowly leaned closer, waiting for Sora to back away or tell him to stop but surprisingly the girl just continued to stare at him.

When her eyes flickered down to his lips for a split second he took that as a sign that she was okay with what was about to happen.

He gently closed the gap and pressed their lips together. He just let their lips touch for a moment, not wanting to rush Sora.

But just a second later he felt Sora's hands behind his neck so he started to slowly move his lips.

The kiss only lasted a few mere seconds but to Hyunjin it felt like a dream come true. What he didn't mention earlier was that he used to have the biggest crush on Sora. Not to mention that those feelings came back the moment they met again. 

A grin made it's way on Sora's smile and Hyunjin swore he felt his heart flutter.

Then Sora fell forward and buried her face in Hyunjin's chest whining. The latter laughed at her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Ahri will flip out" Hyunjin chuckled and Sora hit him gently.

"I'm not ready for all that teasing yet."

"Well then how about we go on a date first?" Hyunjin asked and pushed Sora away so that he could look at her.

"Hm, I like the sound of that."

Useless to say that they spent the remaining evening with a lot of kissing and cuddling.

~another chapter for you guys, bit of a filler with those two

~until next chapter

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