Chapter 29

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"I don't want it to be the last day of our vacation already!" Soori whined as they sat back down at their table after choosing what to eat at the buffet.

"Instead of thinking about our departure tomorrow you should think back to the amazing days we had here thanks to Minho" Ahri responded and gave Minho a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Well I think it was a nice get-away for all of us, so dig in!" Minho smiles and looks at at Ahri and the kids, feeling as if he was looking at his family which he held close to his heart.

After they finished their dinner and brought the kids to bed, Ahri and Minho decided to take a walk through the nearby park.

"You don't know how thankful I am to have you in my life, Minho. I honestly don't know where I would be without you" Ahri starts the conversation and Minho squeezes her hand tightly. "I'm just glad you let me be a part of your life and your family."

"I actually have a question for you" Minho starts, turning nervous all of a sudden. He reaches into his pocket and takes something out all while keeping his hand closed around the object. Ahri just tilts her head in question, waiting for Minho to continue.

"I.. god I don't even know why I am this nervous right now" Minho chuckles awkwardly and slightly swings from side to side.

"Is everything alright?" Ahri puts her hands on the side of Minho's face toget him to look at her, "You can tell me absolutely everything, there is no need to be nervous."

Minho breathes in, kisses Ahri shortly on the lips and opens his hand, putting the small object on display.

"Ahri, will you move in with me?"

In his shaking hand layed a small key with a photo of the small family as a keychain.

Ahri looks up at her boyfriend with a little teary eyes and was about to answer when Minho interrupted her, "I know you would like to ask the kids about their opinion first but right now I just want to know if you would like to move in with me, all circumstances aside."

"Of course I want to move in with you, I actually thought of suggesting it myself. And please don't worry about the kids, I already talked with them and they would be thrilled to "come home to MinMin every day"."

"I love you so much" Minho's nervousness vanished and instead a comfortable warmth spread in his chest. He pulled Ahri close by the waist and kissed her passionatly.

"Did you already talk about this with the boys?" Ahri asked, worrying about Minho moving out of the shared dorm.

"Don't worry, all of us are thinking of getting our own place sometime this year, the company also agreed."

"So for what is this key?" Ahri asked and held up the small key. "Well, I might have already looked for apartments and this key is to the one I liked the most. I didn't rent it yet or anything, it's more like reserved for me?"

"Well, then we have to check it out together as soon as we get back but I'm sure it is amazing."


"I think this should be the last box" Ahri announces after the door fell shut behind her. Minho is coming down the stairs inside their rooftop apartment and smiles cheerfully at his girlfriend. They had a moving firm help them with most of the stuff today but most of the apartment was still cramped with boxes.

It was a two storey apartment with four bedrooms and two bathrooms and while Ahri had been worrying about paying the rent, Minho reassured her that he would pay most of it until she had an official job as a doctor with a good income.

The kids were staying at the Choi's for the night since Ahri didn't want them to sleep in between too many boxes on a mattress. So for today Minho and Ahri had set up all the beds so the kids could come tomorrow and help them unpack the rest.

"This is now our home" Ahri whispered when Minho reached her. The latter kissed her deeply  and then rested his forehead against hers. "This is now a new part of our life together, and I couldn't be happier. Well, there might be one little thing I want to change but that will be omething for the future."

Before Ahri could ask what he meant, she was pulled into another kiss. "Let's watch the stars!" Minho suggested and pulled Ahri along to step on their terrace. The outdoor furniture was not yet set up but the two were fine just standing next to eacht other at the railing.

"The city looks so much more beautiful at night" Ahri whispered and let herself be pulled closer by her waist, "I love this place, it's like a childhood dream come true."

"Well I am working on making all your dreams come true" Minho admitted and kissed Ahri's temple, "To think that we've come this far ever since our stay in the US. I'm honestly just looking forward to taking more steps in our life together."

"Me too, Minho, me too."


~tomorrow is Christmas!! And now it's finally three weeks of school break.'
~I'm also going on a skiing trip with friends next week so I hope I will find time beforehand to write the next chapter; I'm generally planning to get some writing done these holidays because I would like to finish this book in the beginning of 2024 (it's probably still about 8 to 10 chapters so I will have to hurry a bit)

~until next chapter

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