Chapter 8

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"Ahri get up! We have to go to-" Sora's yelling suddenly stopped when she fully entered their hotel room.
She saw her best friend wrapped up in Minho's arms, her head laying on his bare chest.

A smirk crept up her face when she noticed the two lovebirds slowly waking up.
"I'll already head to breakfast. See you guys there" with that she was out of the room- giving them a bit of privacy.

Minho was the first to regain full conscience and smiled when he saw the girl snuggled into his side. He pressed a kiss to her forehead when he saw her eyes fluttering open.

"Good morning, baby" He whispered and threaded his fingers gently through her hair.

Ahri slowly lifted herself up on her elbow so she was able to face Minho.


Minho chuckled at her cuteness and kissed her nose, cheeks and finally her lips.

Minho had kinda feared that Ahri would regret last night but when she kissed back his worries were washed away.

"We should probably get up. I have to go to the airport soon" Ahri said but neither of them made any efforts to move away.

Minho caressed her face and Ahri turned her head so she could press a chaste kiss against his hand.

After a few more minutes of cuddling they finally stood up and got ready to have breakfast with the rest.

When they reached the dining room they were met with smirks, wiggling eyebrows and knowing looks.

Ahri blushed and used Minho's bicep to hide her red face.
While everyone obviously knew what had happened last night, no one addressed the topic and Ahri was glad about that.

She hadn't had time to speak with Minho about it so she wouldn't like to be put in the spotlight.

If Minho made use of the fact that he was ambidextrous to hold Ahri's hand while they were eating, no one commented on it.

Just about an hour later it was time to say goodbye because the girls needed to head to the airport.

Minho and Ahri were tagging after the group, wanting some alone time before they had to part ways.

"I will miss you" Minho started the conversation and both stopped walking.

"I'll miss you too but we can see each other again as soon as you fly back to Seoul, right?" They had their hands intertwined between them and swung them gently from side to side.

"Maybe I can take you out on a date then?" Minho asked hopefully.
"I think that can be arranged. Oh! And you still have to meet my siblings."

Minho's happy smile turned nervous at that. "Do you think they will like me?"

"You just have to cook for them once and boom you have won their hearts. Seriously, don't stress about it. Just be yourself, you don't need to impress anyone."

But Minho wanted to impress her siblings and basically everyone else that played a part in Ahri's life. He knew that her siblings would always come first and he didn't have a problem with that at all - it just meant he had to get on their good side if he wanted to stay with Ahri - what he definitely wanted by the way.

"The others are surely waiting for us, we should go" Ahri suggested but didn't move at all when Minho placed his hands on her cheek and her waist to pull her closer.

"We'll do that in just a second" And with that he pressed their lips together and kissed her lovingly.
The kiss was passionate but soft and bittersweet because they knew it was a goodbye kiss.

"I don't want this to be a goodbye kiss" Minho whispered after they had pulled away. He tucked a hair behind her ear and looked at her with adoration visible in his eyes.

"It isn't. It is a 'see you again soon' kiss" As a reassurance she pecked Minho again and then pulled him along to catch up with the others.

"There you are. The uber driver is already here" Chan called out to them and Ahri rushed to hug everyone tightly and say goodbye.

"See you guys in Seoul. Peace out!" Sora saluted and then the two girls were out the door with one last wave.

"You look like a lovestruck cat" Jisung said and hit Minho's shoulder playfully.

"Maybe I am... Well not a cat but in love with her" The guys laughed and patted Minho on the back to get him to turn around.

"It's good to hear that. I think the two of you will be good for one another. I'm happy for you!" Jisung cheered and pulled Minho into a side hug.

The latter was surprised that his best friend was this happy over a simple indirect love declaration for a girl who didn't even hear it.

"Soo, how was last night?"

Minho shoved Jisung away.

"Ahri!" The yell of three children was heard and moments later the girl was tackled to the ground and hugged by her siblings.

"We missed you!" Miga smiled and pressed a sloppy kiss against her sisters cheek.

"I missed you guys too. How was your stay with Auntie?"

"She let us stay up late!" Soori whispered secretive but earned a glare from his older brother.
"You weren't supposed to say that Soo!" Jonghun, the oldest, scolded.

"We definitely went to bed on time" He stated and pushed his chest out to seem more believable.

"It's good to hear that you had a good time. Ready to go home?" The three nodded excitedly and said goodbye to Mrs. Choi.

"Thank you so much for looking after them" Ahri smiled and bowed deeply.
"No worries sweetheart. You know that you are just like our second daughter. Same goes for the other three."

Ahri smiled and pulled her 'second mom' into a quick hug before following her siblings. She had parked her car in the Choi's driveway before her vacation so now they could simply drive home.

"Do you like him?" Jonghun suddenly asked as soon as Ahri started the car.

"Who do you mean, Hun?" Ahri asked puzzled.

"The Minho guy you were always with when we were calling."
"I wasn't always with him!" Ahri protested but noticed the smug smile on her oldest brother's lips.

"So you do like him, don't you?"

"How do you even know how that works?"

"You had two boyfriends before Ahri, it's not that complicated. So, is he your next boyfriend?"

Ahri was surprised that her little baby brother asked so many questions about something like this. It almost felt like an interrogation.

"You make it sound like I have a new boyfriend every other week" She protested but didn't even know why she got so defensive in front of her brother.

"I don't mean that but you deserve to have someone who makes you happy and treats you well. So he needs to be brother approved."

Ahri felt tears in her eyes from her brother's words and knew now that someone definitely had to have told him about Minho and relationships but she didn't care about that right now.

"He is still in the US but he would also love to meet you guys as soon as he gets back" Ahri explained and smiled at the thought of Minho meeting her family.

"Does he make you happy Ahri?" Soori asked, continuing to stare out of the window mindlessly.

"Yes, yes he really does."


~I have an internship at the hospital right now so I had to write this chapter in like half an hour
~that's also why this chapter and propably the next one are again a bit shorter

~until next chapter

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