Chapter 12

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~since you guys want/ need to know how the story continues, here's a surprise-out-of-schedule update (I finally got a new idea and time so I want to spoil you this once)
~I hope you enjoy this

"Best behaviour kids, I don't want to hear Sora complaining to me about you, okay?" Ahri patted Soori's head who just looked up at her with innocent eyes as if he didn't know his sister was talking to him especially.

Today was Ahri and Minho's date and both were equally as excited. Sora was supposed to arrive any minute now, just like Minho.

Suddenly Ahri heard her phone ring and when she saw the caller she almost started crying out of frustration.

"Yes, Sora, what's up?"

"I may or may not have just broken my arm?" The girl answered but it sounded more like a question.

"You WHAT?" Now Ahri was more concerned about her best friend's well being than the fact who was supposed to look after her siblings. Especially now that Miga had gotten the flue - it seemed to go around schools and daycares this time of the year.

"Well I can see my bone so I assumed it must be broken" Sora sounded like she was high and Ahri could only hope her friend was already on the way to the hospital.

"Hello Ahri, it's Sora's mom. I gave her pain relievers that's why she is a bit delulu. We are on our way to the hospital so don't worry. But I'm so sorry neither of us can look after your siblings today, I know how excited you were for tonight."

"It's alright, please don't feel guilty. Tell Sora to get well soon. Take care" With that the call was ended and Ahri was relieved that Sora was at least in company of her mother who was a nurse. Now her only problem was how she could explain to Minho that she had to cancel their plans.

There was no way she would leave Miga alone in her condition with anyone other than the Choi family. She picked up her phone and was about to call Minho when he did that first.

"Minho?" She answered confused, silently hoping he would have to cancel so she didn't need to do it.

"I know I'm early but I'm already outside. I just forgot which house you're living in."

"23B" Ahri answered as if she was in a daze, not quite grasping the situation that was about to unfold.

"Great, I'll be there in five" Minho had ended the call and Ahri only stared at her black screen before realisation hit. The realisation that she was still wearing washed out jeans and an oversized hoodie. Not to start mentioning her hair which seemed to stand in all directions.

"I'm not even ready! Not that I need to get ready because I will have to cancel!" Ahri hit her head against Miga's bed frame which she was leaning against. Luckily she had been able to put Miga asleep a few minutes prior so she was sure the youngest would sleep through the evening.

"But you already look beautiful?" Soori asked confused as he stood in front of his older sister. "He's right, you're always beautiful" Jonghun agreed with his brother as he carried a bag of his toys into the room.

"What are you doing?" Ahri asked, ignoring how touched she was by her brother's words. "Well what does it look like? I'm cleaning the living room. Gotta make a good first impression on your crush" He emptied the bag on his side of the small room and hurried away to get the rest of the toys littering the floor in the rest of the flat.

"He will fall in love with you even more!" Soori exclaimed and started brushing Ahri's hair with his little fingers. "You are all growing up too fast! You should act like kids! Go be a kid, you shouldn't have to take care of me." Ahri said, a single tear escaping her eye which her brother was quick to wipe away, resuming his project with her hair. She was happy how much her brothers were supporting her but sometimes she felt like she was stealing a part of their innocent childhood.

"And you shouldn't have to take care of all of us. You also had to grow up faster!" Soori pulled away, looking satisfied with how he made Ahri's hair look. The latter was now full on crying and pulled her brother into a tight hug. He just groaned:"You are going to destroy your hair!", but then melted into his sister's body and didn't protest any further.

When Jonghun came back into the room he just raised his eyebrows at him but his brother only gave him a shoulder raise in response. "Can I joing your hug?"

"Of course hunnie, come here" Ahri opened her arms and now held both of her brothers close to her body.

"You are the best big sister!" Jonghun said and Ahri laughed while another swall of tears escaped her eyes, "We all miss Mom and Dad but we are doing quite well on our own, don't you think?" Jonghun asked and for a moment Ahri forgot that her brother was only seven. He also was forced to grow up, be more mature and Ahri was reminded of that every single day.

He may have been young but he is the only one of her siblings that can recall their parents and the only one beside her that knows exactly what happened to them. He may have been only four when the accident happened but you don't forget something like that.

Soori only has faint memories of his parents most of them based on the stories his older siblings told him so he often wasn't sure if it was an actual memory of his or just a story he heard or a photo he saw. He doesn't remember the accident at all which partly resulted from the fact that he was unconscious after the hit and partly resulted from a protection mechanismen of his brain.

Miga was too young. She only knew that she once had parents and that they simply weren't around anymore. That's also why she never understood why Ahri always reacted that emotional when she called her mum. Ahri promised herself to tell Miga when she was old enough to fully understand everything - which none of her siblings were yet and Ahri would take that knowledge away from her brothers for the time being if she could.

"We love you!"
"And Miga does too!"

Ahri pressed firm kisses against her brother's forheads. "I love you guys too, so much!"

Sometimes Ahri wondered how she was still able to hold on and continue with everything instead of breaking down completely. The answer to her question was snuggled against her body (and laying in the bed behind her of course) and she wouldn't trade her siblings for anything in this world.

In that moment the doorbell rung and both boys pulled away simultaneously to look at each other and then at their sister.

"I'll open the door!" Jonghun exclaimed and rushed out of the room, pulling Ahri out from the schock she was in because of the doorbell indicating Minho's arrival.

She looked back at Soori when she felt his little hands cupping her face and his thumbs wiping away the remaining tears on her cheeks. Then he gently closed her eyes and while Ahri was very confused she just let her brother do what he wants.

Soori leant forwards and gently kissed both of Ahri's closed eyes. "All good now" he smiled brightly and Ahri kissed his cheek to which he only giggled cutely. He kissed his sister's cheek while still giggling and getting up from her lap. He took her hand and looked up at her, ready to walk her to the living room where they could already hear Jonghun talking nonstop.

"Let's go! You have a man's heart to win."


~the story needed some soft time betwen the family, so here you go
~I have actually two ideas for the ending: Do you want a happy or sad-nostalgic ending?

~~until next chapter

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