Chapter 25

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"Soori, please just put on your socks! We have to leave in five minutes" Ahri scoldes her youngest brother who for some reason didn't feel like putting on his socks.

Minho only laughed at the scene while Ahri ran after a giggling Soori with a pair of socks in her hand. The boy rand towards Minho and hid behind his legs, carefully peeking out from between them to see where his sister was.

"And what makes you think that Minho could protect you, huh?" Ahri asked, raising her eyebrows and Soori looked up at Minho with a panicked expression. "You will protect me right?"

Minho laughed and picked the boy up who began to squirm because of Minho's tickle attack. Ahri used that chance to grab his little feet and put on his socks.

"You're a meanie" Soori pouted at Minho after he noticed he was now wearing the dreaded socks.

"Well you have to listen to your sister, then no one of us has to be a meanie."

Soori continued to pout but he let his older brother take his hand and lead him out of the door.

"Boys are really stupid sometimes" Miga suddenly announced and Ahri couldn't help but to burst out laughing, especially after she saw Minho's face.

"That's the right mindset!" Ahri laughed and picked Miga up so they could follow the boys down to the car.

After the kids were buckled up, Minho pulled his girlfriend to the side and kissed her lovingly. "You are one of the strongest person I know."

"You help me be strong" The girl replied and pecked his lips once more before getting into the car as well. "Do you have the drawing?" Ahri asked and Soori proudly held up a piece of paper where you could see children's drawings.

All the kids had worked on it the last days and were now excited to bring it along. Minho took Ahri's hand in his after he noticed her slight tremble. He smiled reassuringly at her before focusing back on the road. At first Ahri had insisted on driving but in her state Minho was quick to deny.

After a short drive they stopped in a parking lot and everyone got out. "Behave, kids!" Ahri called out to her siblings who were about to run ahead. Sulking, they went back and Soori and Jonghun took each of her hands while Miga let herself be carried by Minho.

They stepped into the small forest and immediately silence fell upon the small family. "Ahri, do you think they are awaiting us?" Jonghun asked in a whisper and slightly swung their interwined hands.

"I think so, yes. We come here every year so I'm sure they are already looking forward to our visit."

Jonghun nodded, too deep in thought to reply but the silence was soon enough interrupted by their youngest, "I want to give them the picture!" Soori looked up at his younger sister but handed her the drawing without a complaint.

"For that you have to get down, little one. We're almost there" Ahri said and Minho gently put the small girl back on her own feet.

Miga held out her hand for Soori to take and the two took a few steps forward, followed by their older brother.

Then Miga placed the drawing on the ground and went back to her brothers.

"We drew this for you!" She smiled and clapped her hands shortly.

Jonghun pointed at the picture and explained their drawing, "In the middle that's you, and this is Ahri with Minho, he is her boyfriend, and over there are we."

Ahri and Minho stood behind them, listening to the children's talking. Ahri had her head rested against Minho's chest and let herself be held by him.

"Why is there a 25 in a heart above mom and dad's heads?" Jonghun asked, turning to Ahri.

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