Chapter 32

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"How was your day?" Minho asked Ahri and gave her a peck as a greeting. "This domesticity still feels so new" Ahri replied and leaned against Minho's chest, letting herself be held for a moment.

It's already been a few months since Ahri's graduation and the family had by now settled into this lifestyle of theirs. Ahri had now an official position at the hospital as assistant surgeon and she had been talking to her mentor about getting her official doctors degree. She had also finally managed to convince Minho to let her pay a part of the rent. The latter still resued half-half though - at least until she was a senior surgeon.

Ahri had given up trying to convince him and was just happy about not having to struggle with money everyday. Her siblings loved visiting her at the hospital - of course only as visitors and not as patients. Speaking of, the three of them were staying with the Choi's for the weekened because Mrs. Choi wanted to see the new amusement park and needed Ahri's siblings as inofficial excuse to go there.

"I prepared dinner" Minho whispered in Ahri's ear causing the girl to giggle because that innocent statement was somehow turned seductive by the way he said it. Minho had just come back from filming overseas few days ago and he was now again enjoying his alone time with his girlfriend - though he was thniking of changing that title.

The two walked over to the prepared table and being the gentleman he is, Minho pulled back the chair for Ahri and then sat down opposite of her.

"What's all this for?" Ahri asked, gesturing towards the candel on the table and in general the romantic atmosphere. "Nothing special, just wanted to prepare a nice dinner for you. We both deserve it after working hard the last few weeks."

The two ate while conversing comfortably, topics flowing easily but even the short moments of silence are appreciated. Minho still manages to amaze Ahri with his cooking skills or maybe the girl just appreciates everything he does for her.

"You know, the kids have asked me about something", Minho at one point startes the conversation, the two of them being already finished with their desserts by then, "They said that I was already like their dad but they were wondering how it would be if I would officially be their dad."

Minho gulped nervously before facing Ahri again, who looked kinda frozen in place. "Like adoption?" She finally managed to say and Minho nodded slowly, not quite knowing wht kind of reaction he should expect.

"I mean I guess the kids would love that and I would do, don't get me wrong" Ahri started but Minho already felt his world crushing down sensing her hesistance.

"Oh" He whispered, hoping Ahri wouldn't hear his disappointment. He looked down at his hands but then Ahri reached forward to take them in hers.

"Please look at me, Minho" Her soothing voice helped Minho calm down and he slowly lifted his head to see Ahri's shy smile, "Whatever you're thinking right now, is definitely not what I meant."

She scooted her chair around so that she was now seeting more or less next to Minho but turned towards him. Their hands were still interwined in Minho's lap who still felt as if his whole plans for the evening faded into nothing. But he also saw that Ahri was somehow looking nervous as well so he lifted their hands to kiss Ahri's gently, convincing her to continue.

"I would love to have you officially adopt the kids and I know that they want it just as much. You already are a full part of this family - in-law or not. But I know the bureaucracy from when I adopted them six years ago. They will not let you adopt them because you're not legally a family member or realted to them in any kind of way. I know it won't work so I neither want to get your or the kid's hopes up."

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