Chapter 3

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It was already late into the night. The group of ten sat in the rooftop lounge and talked quietly.
They were the only ones awake at this point, only another guy sitting at the bar talking to the bartender.

After a lot of laughter the group had quieted down and was now involved in relaxed conversation between one another.

Ahri was sitting in between Minho and Hyunjin, catching the latter up on everything while Minho was simply listening and giving a short comment every now and then.

Everyone was slightly tipsy and simply enjoying themselves.

Right now Ahri was telling Hyunjin some story and because of her tipsiness and the expressive hand gestures she fell backwards against Minho's side.

The latter didn't care and only 'caught' her by putting an arm around her waist and letting the girl lean her head against his shoulder.

Ahri didn't notice their position and Minho liked the warmth so he pulled her a tad bit closer.

The one who did notice all of this was Hyunjin and he sent Minho a smirk and wiggling eyebrows but quickly stopped after receiving Minho's death glare. He lifts his hands in surrender and focuses back on the girl who was still telling her story.

The night proceeds and at some point everyone decided it was time for them to head to their rooms. This decision was mainly made because Hyunjin noticed Ahri had fallen asleep - secure in Minho's arms.

When Sora came over to wake Ahri up so the latter could go to their room, Ahri just whined and pressed herself further against Minho, hiding her face in his neck.

Minho became bright red at that and was only happy that the darkness hid his blush.

"Hey, Ahri wake up. You've got to go to bed" He whispers and tries to ignore the way her breath against his neck is sending shivers down his spine.

After a bit more shaking, Ahri finally woke up and tiredly sat up. Sora pulled her up and supported her best friend's weight by holding her waist.

"Good night, guys. I had a really great time. Hopefully we can hang out again if you can spare us time in your busy schedules" Sora says goodbye, with everyone agreeing with her and promising to meet as soon as possible again.

Ahri only rubs her eyes sleepily and sends the boys a wave - a wave that is enough to sent Minho in a cuteness-overload-attack.

"Good night!" Minho smiles at Ahri and they way she smiled back before pressing her face against Sora's shoulder - much like she did with Minho earlier - makes Minho's heart feel all warm and fuzzy.

He watched the two girls walk towards the elevator and only snapps out of his trance when Jisung pushed him slightly while grinning teasingly.

Chan only sends him a look that asks 'what was going on there?'

Oh how much Minho wished he could answer that question.

"So the guys just asked us if we want to have breakfast with them?" Sora asks and climbs next to Ahri on the bed.

Last night they had all exchanged numbers and Felix immediately put them in a group where a lot of memes have already been sent to.

"Sure, just let me get ready."

Surprisingly neither of the girls were hungover but the same couldn't be said for Jisung and Felix - those two definitely went overboard yesterday.

They arrived at the private room Straykids had for themselves and Ahri had to suppress a laugh when she saw Jisung wearing sunglasses.

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