Chapter 6

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Ahri stood in front of an old-style coffee shop where she was supposed to meet up with Jake.
She had texted him two days prior and they decided to meet and catch up.

Ahri didn't have feelings for him anymore but she still was kind of nervous to face him again. He was another person that left her and left a dent in her already broken heart.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, ready to go in, but when she opened her eyes again, she was startled by Jake standing in front of her.

"Hey, sorry if I scared you" The latter started and rubbed his nape in embarrassment, "I just saw you standing outside for the past few minutes so I decided to come to you."

Now it was Ahri's turn to be embarrassed but luckily Jake's voice wasn't teasing. It actually sounded more concerned than anything.

"Hey, sorry for making you wait. I guess I was just getting ready to face you?" Ahri was surprised that it still felt easy for her to be honest around Jake.

"I figured. But you don't need to be nervous around me. I mean I'm still me and we're here just to catch up" Jake beamed and tilted his head.

Ahri remembered how she always compared him with a puppy and thought how cute that was.
Lately she seemingly thought that cat-like behaviour was more attractive.

The two finally entered the café and took place at Jake's reserved table.

"When I saw that you and Sora were here I didn't know if you would contact me. But I'm really glad you did."

Ahri thought back to the time when they were together and while back then she thought that she was in love, now she understood that their relationship never really went over a deep friendship.

She had missed Jake dearly but not in a way of wanting to get back together with him but to know if he was doing alright.

"I wasn't to sure about meeting up either but I missed you so here I am" Ahri finally answered, her mind going back to the present.

"I missed you too. How are you and everyone else?" Before Ahri could answer the waiter placed their orders on the table and left again.

"Okay, actually better now but of course it was rough. The kids sometimes still ask about you" Ahri took a sip from her drink while watching Jake's face contort to guilt.

"I'm sorry for not being there for you. I guess I kinda became attached to the three rascals. Send them greetings and tell them the next time I'm in Korea I will visit."

"Will do. How is your grandma by the way?" Ahri asked, hoping that the cheerful old lady was doing just fine.

"She has gotten better the last months, but she is still disheartened because I forbid her to go to her sport clubs."

The two spent another hour in the café, catching up and were now taking a stroll through the small city.

"But real talk now: You must have an ulterior motive to meet up with me. So what is it?" Jake suddenly asked, pulling Ahri out of her nostalgic thoughts.

"What- How-?" The look Jake was giving her told her that she didn't have to explain herself and that the latter knew her too well to not notice anything.

"Okay fine- I kinda met someone but I'm too scared to start anything" Ahri finally confessed and internally cursed at the look of pity Jake was giving her.

"Why? Because of me?"

"No! Well not directly. I'm scared of being left again and well, you didn't exactly help those trust issues" Ahri cringed at her choice of words, it sounded like she was partially blaming Jake- which she wasn't, at least not anymore.

"I'm sorry for leaving like that and also not putting in enough effort to stay in contact with you. But I think that you should give that new person a chance. I know you, if you are even considering it then that's like a huge sign for you to go for it."

Jake was right, Ahri never even considered letting anyone new in, Minho seemed - again - to be some sort of exception.

"And if things go bad - which they won't - I promise to be there for you and visit you in Seoul" Jake seemed to be almost begging for Ahri to give Minho a chance which caused Ahri to break out into a laugh.

"Okay, relax. I'll talk to him, happy?" Jake smiled and nodded, like a kid being offered chocolate.

"Now that that is settled, let's get ice cream!" Jake exclaimed and pulled Ahri along by her wrist.

" was your day?" Minho asked hesitantly while the two were sitting - as usual - at the rooftop.

Ahri knew what Minho was referring to, if her talk with Jake helped in figuring out her feelings.

"It.. was nice. I missed talking to him so I'm glad we met up."

"I'm happy you had a good day" Minho answered but then their conversation turned back into awkward silence.

The two were sitting next to each other and Ahri wondered how she was going to say the next thing. She was never really good with words and the fact that she was very nervous right now didn't help at all.

"What's wrong?" Minho asked concerned after he noticed how Ahri fiddled with her fingers.
He shifted so he was facing the latter, placing one hand comforting on her knee.

He was about to ask again when soft lips on his shut him up. He only realised that Ahri was kissing him when the latter pulled away again. It actually couldn't be defined as kissing but mere touching of lips but to Minho it meant everything.

"I- What?" The man was too stunned to speak.

"Sorry, I just... didn't know how to say this" Ahri stuttered but the way Minho's grip on her knee never loosened gave her the much needed confidence.

"It's fine but say what?" Minho said gently so the girl didn't feel pressured to tell him.

"Well I talked to Jake and he kinda made me realise something" Ahri started and was glad that Minho intertwined their fingers to keep her from fidgeting.

"I really like you Min and although I have these trust issues I don't want them to constantly stand in my way. So... I would like to give us a try - take things slow without putting a label on it. I know there are obviously conditions from your side and the company but I would like to try?"

While speaking Ahri's confidence slowly vanished so in the end it sounded more unsure than she had intended.

"You don't know how happy I am, hearing you say this. I promise to prove to you that this was worth it and that you can fully trust me. We'll go by your pace and figure the rest out while we go, okay?"

Ahri nodded, relieved that Minho was comfortable with their new situation.

Minho put his arms around the smaller figure and pulled Ahri close to his chest. He pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead and crown of her head before placing his chin on her head.

"We'll just see how it goes."

~this is again a shorter chapter but I'll try to write more the next time
~I might change my updating day to Saturdays because I need the whole weekend to actually get some writing done

~until next chapter

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