Chapter 24

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"This was by far the cheesiest movie I've ever seen!" Ahri laughed and clung to Minho's arm while the two were leaving the cinema, "Thank you for taking me here." She pulled Minho's head slightly down do press a kiss against his cheek which left the latter blushing like crazy.

Ahri pressed herself closer to Minho when they stepped out int the cool night air. It was  only a short walk to the car and Minho insisted on driving after noticing Ahri's tired eyes.

"We'll have to stop at the gas station" Minho announced and pulled over, Ahri opened her sleepy eyes and only nodded, too tired to fully grasp the situation. Minho quickly got out and did everything while Ahri tried not to fall asleep.

"Let me.. pay you back" Ahri mumbled when Minho started the car but he was quick to dismiss her and she was too tired to argue.

What Ahri did notice in her sleepy state was that Minho did that often recently. He would ask to borrow Ahri's car because apparently he liked it more than the company's ones. Then he would give it back, the tank filled. Actually Ahri didn't even remember she had to refill the gas herself.

Now that she was thinking about it, Minho had done a lot of those subtle things. When he would come over or watch the kids, he would always say he wanted to eat something specific that Ahri didn't have at home. Therefore he always went to the store to get it and coincidentally came back with more groceries he didn't actuall need.

Or when he took the kids to the mall, everone of them had become new toys, clothes and even shoes. He sometimes, when he had an empty schedule, waited for Ahri to come back from work and leave shortly after only for Ahri to notice that all the house chores had already been done.

Ahri knew that was Minho's subtle way of helping her and altough she always had a hard time accepting help, she was grateful for him. It was the fact that he didn't mention it or tried to make a big deal out of it. And while Ahri still didn't know how she could ever repay him, she never felt this thankful for another person.

And maybe, Ahri thought, it was okay to accept help from time to time.

"good morning, gorgeous" Minho whispered and Ahri squirmed at the tickling feeling of his breath against her neck. But Minho had a tight hold around her waist so Ahri didn't really get far.

"Don't you have work to do?" She asked, playfully pushing his chest as he kept tickling her neck with light kisses. "Of course I do, but it's still plenty of time to do this." With that he pulled Ahri on her back and hovered over her. He pressed kissed down her neck and collarbone, grinning against her skin when Ahri huffed in defeat.

"We should let Hyunjin and Sora look after the kids more often" He smiled and kissed Ahri deeply.

"I still wonder how that happened, Sora never told me about any feelings for Hyunjin. I feel betrayed" Ahri wondered but before Minho could answer she placed his hands on his back, under the shirt he was wearing which made him shudder.

In one swift motion Minho got rid of his shirt and went back to kissing Ahri, working his way down her chest.

"Like, I remember Sora not liking him. And Hyunjin used to have a crush on me, saying I was his ideal type. And Sora is quite the opposite from me. I mean, I'm not complaining but I'm a bit offended that neither of my best friends told me anything."

Minho only hummed in approval, placing his hand on her back to lift her up a little so he could get rid of her top. Then he kissed all over Ahri's stomach, knowing the girl loved when he did that.

"Hyunjin especially!" Ahri continued, "He was over at mine the day before they got together or kissed or whatever. And I asked him if he had his eyes on anyone! And he dared to deny! And I thought I was his best friend!The betrayal!"

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