Chapter 1

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~three years later

"Ahri!" Miga yelled and jumped into the girls arms.
"Come on little one, your brothers are waiting in the car."

Just like everyday, Ahri had picked up the now three-year old Miga from daycare after getting her brothers from school.

"How was the exam?" Little Miga asked, struggling to find the correct words.

"Fine I think, I'll get the results soon" She replied while buckling the youngest up.

Ahri was in Med School, running on a scholarship.
Three years after the incident and Ahri was finally able to drive a car without getting a panic attack.

The now 22 year old had tried her best to provide for her siblings but times were hard.

They had to move out of their old house into a one-bedroom flat in a rather shitty part of town.

Only the Chois, the family's friends, helped them over the years.
They even stayed with them for the first few months but soon moved out.

Ahri hates relying on people's help but when she isn't able to pay the rent Mrs. Choi, her best friend's mother, helps her out.
Ahri couldn't thank them enough and had no idea how to ever repay them.

Meanwhile they had reached their building complex and got out of the car.

It was a Friday evening and Ahri didn't have much time before she needed to leave again.
On Fridays and Saturdays she worked the evenings at a famous club while within the week she worked at the local library.

It was just enough to get the bare minimum but Ahri didn't have time for another job. Her siblings needed her and even if more money would be good, the price she had to pay of not seeing them as often wasn't worth it.

"Jonghun, are you sure you can look after those two today?" She asked worried, normally they would stay at the Choi's house but they were on a vacation right now.

"Yeah, I can. I promise" The oldest answered and lead his brother to the table to do their homework.

"Okay, I'll prepare something to eat for you, you know how to reheat it right?"

"Yes we do, mom- Ahri!" Miga replied.

The youngest didn't remember their parents at all and even Soori and Jonghun had troubles remembering.

Miga sometimes called Ahri mom by mistake but stopped when the latter burst out crying the first time she did.

She knew that Ahri wasn't her real mom but her sister but she didn't understand why her real mother then wasn't with her.
Every time she asked, Ahri didn't know what to say as she was aware that the girl was too young to understand.

"You're aware that you don't need to visit me every Friday here, right? People will start thinking you are an alcoholic" Ahri deadpanned, looking at her best friend.

Sora only rolled her eyes and ordered a coke from Ahri's colleague.

"I have an invitation for you!" She exclaimed happily after the first few sips.

Ahri raised her eyebrows in question, not sure if she should look forward to whatever her best friend was about to say or rather run away from whatever was about to come her way.

"We'll go to the US together!"


"Oh come on! Why not?" Sora pestered, not taking no for an answer.

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